Chapter 22: Catanzaro, Recapture and Reconquer

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Walls of Qua-Toyne, 8:13 AM

"I need another archer over here, quickly!!"

Kein Maris ran down the walls of her beloved home city, the city where she grew up her whole life, and that was currently burning down. She held her bow and arrow tightly as she watched a now-dead elf be dragged away. Kein took their position. She prayed for the Gods to take care of their soul as soon she took her place.

The walls shook at each every strike as down below, a Lourian battering ram unit attempted to strike down the city gates with shields placed above them to protect against the Qua-Toynian arrows.

"Ignite your arrows and ready!" Kein looked back to defense captain Ine Laru. She felt a sense of honour as she fought under her command despite the chaos that was happening. Kein aimed her bow down to the Lourian siege unit and with one word, "set! FIRE!" she launched her arrows down to the battering ram unit as over twenty of them rained down on the Lourians. Only a lucky few managed to hit and yet the ramming continued.

"Negative, captain! Battering ram is still continuing! Reloading!" Another elven archer called out as Kein did the same.

However as she did, Ine looked up towards the sky to see a flying fireball and wide eyed, she yelled, "TREBUCHET! BRACE YOURSELVES!"

The archers looked up and quickly they then ducked as much as they could behind the walls before the three flaming fireballs struck the city. One hit the wall and the other two struck the already demolished homes behind them. Kein quickly stood up before she looked down to the ground to the battering ram. She then ran to the other side as desperate knights tried to keep the barricade up, "Captain the Lourians are getting close to taking down the gates! What should we do!?"

Ine was about to speak only to see a swarm of arrows started to rain down. She then yelled, "TAKE COVER!"

Kein looked back only to yelp as once more she hugged the walls of Qua-Toyne. She could only endure the yells of pain and death from her fellow archers as the ramming of the gates continued on. Quickly, Ine ran to her mana communicator in a panic as she spoke, "We're being overwhelmed here! We need reinforcements, please!!"

"... Hold on Captain! Reinforcements are inbound!"


Coalition Army Encampment, Outskirts of Qua-Toyne

"... Around Qua-Toyne is a siege unit up on the gates, multiple archer divisions just a bit further, and the main encampment about 3 kilometres away," a battered General Nou whose nigh cartoonish appearance contrasted heavily with his recent battle scars from Ejey spoke to his fellow General from Italy. Nou looked up in worry, "General what do we do? Any moment now the wall defences would fall!"

Francesco Gallinari eyed the map. He looked back to Nou as he explained his orders to him, "We'll be having two Mangustas to eliminate the siege unit on the gate. I told them to be careful since there are friendlies on the walls and behind the gates. Once they're done, a squadron of Mangustas will eliminate the archers... Then comes the MLRS. That encampment is gonna be wiped off the face of the planet."

Nou looked up, "One squadron? Doesn't that seem insufficient? I know not what a Mangusta is but we need more forces don't we? We are talking about dozens of archers! And... what is the MLRS?" The general asked in skepticism.

Francesco then walked out of the tent. With them on top of a hill, there was a decent view of Qua-Toyne below as the distant chaos made it looked like ants battling over food. Francesco then handed some binoculars to Nou, "Let's see for ourselves, shall we?"

Nou looked to Francesco, eyebrows furrowed before he used the binoculars.


"... But sir if we stop firing then...! Okay, I understand!" Ine said with skepticism before she yelled to the archers below, "Take cover behind the wall, help's coming!" Soon she yelled down to the men in the barricade. "Hide behind the walls, now! Stay away from the gates!"

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