Chapter 18: Agreements and Disagreements

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Acciaroli, Campania, 1st of November, 1639, 11:37 AM

In the sleepy hamlet of Acciaroli situated on the coast and hill, there was an old house on the slope. With an old truck that hasn't been used in a while, the inside was more lively in contrast to the yard.

Inside the one story bungalow, an elderly woman was in the kitchen as she cooked lunch for her and her husband. Giana Greco was setting two servings of pasta carbonara onto the table as soon she looked out the window. Not back yet. With that she decided to sit down on her couch as there, the TV was on. It showed the Italian Parliament being rowdy as ever while the prime minister tried to make amends with them.

"... this military intervention is not a war in the traditional sense. It is a pacification and rescue operation to not only ensure that refugees would no longer drown by Italy's coast, but to also end this war quickly to allow them to head home! We are talking about a warmongering nation here that has taken the lives of innocent people!" The prime minister said.

An opposition member spoke up and talked in an annoyed tone, "Italy can barely keep up with the crisis as is and now you want to send our men to die unnecessarily due to two nations' wars that we have just met? If I hadn't mistaken myself, I would have thought that the prime minister didn't have common sense!"

The parliament got rowdy again and Giana shook her head in dismay. Some things never changed, she thought.

Soon the door opened and an elderly man placed his hat onto the coatrack as he called out. "I got the wine, but not our usual brand. They've run out," Remo said as soon he eyed the TV. "What are you watching?" He asked while he shut the door beside him as he sets the bottle of wine down.

Giana stood up and went to the small dining room with her husband as she spoke, "Just a live coverage of parliament. Have you heard about it?"

"Oh god, yes," Remo said in annoyance as he grabbed two glasses for he and his wife, "something about the prime minister wanting to go to war. We have enough problems as is." He said as he sets the glasses down.

As Remo then started to open the bottle of wine, Giana spoke, "I think that it's not exactly a full war. But a rescue operation as the prime minister said. Remember the videos our son sent? So many lost families in Sicily right now."

Remo sat down in his seat as he scoffed, "Italy is already filled with migrants. I don't think we need more," he said as he took a bite of his pasta.

Before Giana did the same, she spoke more in a sympathetic tone, "It's not like it was their choice, they did not have a schedule on their calendars that Italy would get here... besides these people are escaping a war," she said before she took a bite.

"Oh come on Giana, you know that Italy shouldn't get itself caught in such a mess. Besides, war is war. There are bound to be some lost lives, that's just how it is," the old man said with a shrug.

"That just sounds heartless, darling. This is a medieval war we're talking about. Oh those poor people... have you seen the interviews they had? They were survivors of a massacre in their town," Giana said with a sigh.

"Like I said," Remo then took a sip of his wine. "I don't think Italy should get involved. We have problems here as is. It is tragic but do we really have to butt in this problem?"

"It's not like that we chose it anyway, the refugees came here for a safer life away from war. Besides, do you not think that if we did end this war quickly, we could send them home as soon as possible?"

"And spread the word about our country? They'll only want to stay more," Remo said as he shook his head. "Home is hard to leave but if there was a better place I'd go too. Just ask my cousin, bless his heart."

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