Chapter 9: Just a Dream

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The sun rose over the horizon as its lights shined down upon the town of Aruni. The town was coming to life. Townspeople stepped out of their homes as they got ready for the day. Farmers started harvesting their crops, the guardsmen took their morning positions around the walls, and merchants shouted their wares to any potential buyers.

In the middle of town stood a two story house. The house was laden with stone and brick as the magical lights on the walls has fallen dim for the morning.

There was a man with a thick mustache wearing clothes of a noble. He had silver hair and red eyes as he paced back and forth in the living room. "Tsk, what to do...."

Suddenly the voice of a little girl was heard. "Father?"

The man stopped and looked to see a young girl in a night gown who was no more than four. The father quickly stopped and approached her.

"Remille... sorry, did I wake you?" He asked in concern as Remille shook her head.

"No father, it was mother who did. She told me to call you for breakfast." Remille said as her silver eyes looked up to the man.

"Oh yes, breakfast. Of course... Hopefully she didn't cook fish again, eh?" The man said with a hearty chuckle as Remille laughed as well. He took the girl in his arms and walked out of the living room into the dining as he sighed and gently sets her down in her seat.

Remille eyed the food. A slice of venison, beef, and some sort of soup. She smiled happily as a woman entered from the kitchen, removing her apron. She had blonde hair and her own silver eyes as she huffed.

"Well, I did all I can for today's breakfast... the market barely had meats." The woman said with a sigh as her husband sat down.

"It's alright, Rea. After those fiends blocked the trade routes, it's no surprise they're stealing our food too..." He said with a sigh as he started eating.

"What can we even do now, Meren? I cannot blame our house staff fleeing after that ultimatum... Should we not do the same?" Rea said nervously as her hand sliced into the meat in haste.

Remille merely sat between her parents as she did her best and ate her own food. She didn't understand what her parents were talking about so she simply sat there eating.

"I don't even know anymore, Rea. We don't have a life out there, where else can we possibly go?" Meren said in anxiety as he sighed. "I'll have to rush today, the town council is calling for a meeting."

"Why today of all days?" Rea said, wide eyed. "What about our plan?"

"I know, I'm sorry darling...." Meren said with a sigh before he looked to Remille and ran his hand through her hair. "Remille? Your father has to go for now. I promise I'll make it up later, okay?" He said as he stood up and kissed the girl on the forehead. "Happy birthday, little one. I love you."

Remille smiled happily as she giggled. She didn't mind, these days her father has been leaving the house a lot. "Thank you father."

With that he grabbed his coat and slipped it on. "I'll see you both tonight." Meren said as he gave Rea a light kiss.

"Stay safe, darling." Rea said as she waved while Meren left through the back doors.

Remille gave her father a happy wave.


In the town square, various businesses have closed down due to the loss of supplies. Only the barest essentials of shops are open from tailors to blacksmiths. But in a bakery, Rea seemed to be negotiating something to the baker as Remille sat outside with a humble but elegant dress fit for a young noble.

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