Chapter 11: The Lost Nations

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Embassy of the United Kingdom, Rome, 6:21 AM, Two days ago

The plight of the Italians would be considered as luck and paradise to those who were in Italy for vacation. After all, they had a roof over their heads, family and friends to lean on, and maybe even a job.

Maybe soon that wouldn't be the case for Joshua Higgins. Being ambassador to Italy and San Marino, the gruff middle aged man has been in this position for 5 years now. While it was very different to his old positions as British diplomat to Iraq and Afghanistan, the man truly did not mind this position. After all, living in a beautiful country who is considered a peaceful neighbour was a nice change of pace.

And yet somehow, he would rather be back in Baghdad the moment the transfer happened. When news of Italy's departure from Earth spread through the nation, the unlucky Brits who were caught while on vacation scrambled to the British embassy for help. The chaos was nothing like Joshua had seen before, and he would rather drink his whiskey away than deal with the people if he wasn't kind to them.

So now Joshua looked out the window. Much like practically every other diplomat, the man looked disheveled as he eyed the courtyard of the embassy compound. Tents were set up, food stations were prepared, and hoards of paperwork were being filled out for those unlucky to not be back in Britain.

He saw distressed businessmen, worried women, and crying children who all yearned to be back home. Joshua sighed at the sight. With the Italian government too preoccupied with their own problems, this will have to do.

Joshua scratched his scruffy beard before he practically fell onto his swivelled seat. With him being the highest authority of the United Kingdom as of now, his life of relaxation turned into chaos. And once again he dreaded to hear another knock from the door. "Come on in!"

One of his aides then quickly entered. "Mister Higgins!" A young black woman entered in a haste, her face filled with worry. As she has been for hours much like everyone.

"Yes, Lisa? What is it this time?" Joshua said with a grumble as he turned the seat to face her."

".... The Princess of Kent has arrived."

Joshua went wide eyed and immediately sat up. "You mean...?"

Lisa simply nodded.

Joshua stood there for a moment. His gears in his head turned quickly before he eyed his office. "Please send her in quickly. I'll fix things up here." He said with a frown as he slipped on his coat.

"Right away, sir." Lisa said as she rushed out of the office.


Princess Emily of Kent, 23 years old, barely out of Oxford University was in Italy to visit the nation when the transfer occurred. At first she believed it was a practical joke, but as more news came in, it was clear that they were brought along and left the United Kingdom behind on Earth.

She didn't know what to do. Her home, family, all of them were now gone. Emily simply sat in her room despairing for two days as she didn't want to deal with this situation but alas reality had to be faced head on.

With that, Emily asked her aides to have her be driven to the embassy. That was the closest thing to a Britain they had right now, and she simply needed advice from the embassy on what to do. As she waited in the lobby of the building, Emily looked around as her fellow Brits had a looks from skepticism to curiosity as a member of the Royal Family had been brought along.

Soon enough, Lisa from earlier arrived and smiled gently. "The ambassador is ready to receive you, your royal highness." She said as she directed her hand to the elevator.

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