Chapter 13: To the Heavens

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3:45 PM, Outskirts of Rome

There were only a few times where Remille willingly sat and did nothing but think. Usually she needed some form of entertainment but despite the passing buildings, cars, and trees outside the bus, she remained quiet.

Her conversation with Jana continued to poke at her mind. Antonio and his display of the Roman Empire before associating it with Parpaldia or at least implied it struck paranoia into her. She didn't want to admit it but it bothered her heavily.

Kaios meanwhile was on the same boat. Antonio's hidden threats reminded him of his own ways to deterring smaller nations around Parpaldia. And only realised now how hypocritical it was that he felt fear for something that he does to others. But what can he do? It was official Imperial policy to threaten nations for a beneficial deal.

He looked out the window. Soon the passing buildings turned into fields and forests. Kaios pulled out the pamphlet he had in his bag. A pamphlet of Italian flying machines with pictures. Though he couldn't understand the words on it, he was reassured by Antonio that the machines would be displayed.

Kaios then looked to Antonio. He sat ahead in the bus with his back faced towards the Parpaldians. The young man terrified him in a way. His smiles and joyful demeanour while he showed the fall of the Roman Empire reminded him of himself. Subtle threats and warnings. He felt a shudder run up his back.

As for Antonio he was on his phone coordinating with the air force. With an abrupt air show planned they expected a few civilians in the military airport but officially it's an exclusive event for the Parpaldians. After advising them they were almost there to the base, he pocketed his phone as he adjusted his Italian flag pin.

Mario di Bernardi Military Airport

There was a perfect mix of clouds and sun today and anyone could've been put in a good mood for outdoor activities, but Remille was not one of them. Sitting in the shade of a canopy tent, she along with the rest of the delegation were rather perplexed by the strange area: a wide area of nothing but grey.

Regardless that wasn't what Remille contemplated about. The black flying machine that was on display certainly didn't help her calm down about the air show. The booming sounds back on Esthirant was bad enough, up close it would certainly be equivalent to standing beside a cannon.

Remille's thought of the cannon then brought her back to her dream. She sighed as she kept her eyes closed while she gripped her skirt. The same dream she's had as a child ever since then only changed plot when Italy arrived and it truly terrified her.

Antonio meanwhile looked down ahead on the taxiing tarmac. There where a whole bunch of jets and planes lined up and ready to take off along with a few helicopters from the army and navy. He smiled as he saw that there was a way smaller crowd than usual for the airport. Nothing too strange, it was a sudden event after all and probably only the nerdiest of aviation geeks would know about the event in advance to check it out.

Soon the speakers cracked to life and the announcer in his own air force uniform spoke. "Testing, one two, good afternoon everyone! Welcome to the Mario di Bernardi Air Base. We got quite a few impressive aeroplanes and helicopters to show you all. I want to give a special welcome to our first foreign guests since the Transfer, the delegates of the Parpaldian Empire."

Well at least there's still some respect for them, Remille thought to herself. Soon the announcer continued. "Now then! A bit of backstory. The Italian Air Force was founded just a hundred years ago in 1923 and since then our air force has only gained momentum not just with our planes but with our power. With the army and navy getting their own planes and helicopters it has since become a big pride of Italy. Today Italy is one of the only couple nations that is capable of creating our own equipment. Now then, let's get started first with the air force!"

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