Chapter 27: Revelation

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Main Meeting Hall

As the late autumn sunshine went through the windows of the meeting hall, Alberto took his seat across Rados, Moros, and their aides. Alberto pulled out his laptop from his suitcase before he opened it up and with Alessio typing on his, the diplomat spoke, "We shall now commence the first diplomatic talks between the Italian Republic, and the Topa Kingdom... starting with an informational video of our nation."

Alberto then flipped the laptop to have it face the Topans as they all huddled closer to get a view of the strange object. With a press of a button, Alberto played the video.

A small montage of the sights of Italy is shown. From Rome to Milan, and the countryside of Tuscany to Aosta Valley, a voice then spoke, "Italy has been the subject of a scientific impossibility. On the 17th of April, 1639 of the Elysian calendar, the Italian peninsula was transported from our world to this one."

A map was then shown of the Philades continent with Italy highlighted, "Italy is located on the southern coast of the Philades continent. With 300,000 square kilometres of land, we are joined by our two micro nation neighbours: San Marino and Vatican City which are both under Italy's protection. We are a nation of 59 million strong, under a cultural umbrella that was the envy of our old world."

There was now a montage of people dining, shopping, and enjoying Italian monuments, "Italy is a country of rich history, culture, and innovation. We were the birthplace of the arts, mathematics, and science that have made a wide impact on society. To this day, Italy is known for our deep culture, luxuries, and influence on the world stage as people of all races traveled from around the globe to get a taste of the Italian experience."

With that, footage of Italian military equipment was now being shown. From parades to war games, and even some footage from Louria, "Of course with science comes innovation. And innovation, powers the machine of war. Italy is a proud producer of our own military equipment. Nations around the world sought after our weapons which we believe is the most advanced here on Elysia. From handguns to artillery, helicopters and jets, destroyers to aircraft carriers, Italy's military strength has since become the pride of our nation."

The Topans could feel a sense of uneasiness run through them. But then the video continued, "Even so, Italy is a nation of diplomacy and friendship. Our strength is focused on defending the lands and the people of our nation. We have opened up to this new world, and all our country asks is the world does the same."

With that, the video finally ended. The Topans muttered amongst themselves before Rados spoke up, "Ambassador, that was a very captivating moving picture. But we have one question... why have you reached out to us? The Topa Kingdom doesn't really offer much compared to other nations on Philades."

"Well we are here for one primary reason, your highness..." Alberto said as he opened the suitcase once more. "We're here to learn more about the War God Emissaries..."

The Topans looked at each other skeptically. Why would they learn about the thousands years old emissaries? Even the people of Topa now see them as stories and not history. But as Alberto then placed down a red cloth, Rados eyed the symbols before he went wide eyed and looked to Alberto, "W-wait, are you-!?"

"Descendants of the War God Emissaries? Likely so," Alberto laid out a vexillum on the table. It looked brand new, a copy made for museums. Four letters stood against the red backdrop of the cloth as the diplomat clasped his hands before he spoke with a more serious look. "What we don't understand is... how? How were our ancestors brought here before us?"

Rados and Moros looked to each other. He then faced another aide as he spoke, "Grab me a copy of the Chronicles of Topa, please."

The aide nodded before he rushed off.

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