Chapter 2: Parpaldian Contact

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Farosth, Koles Region, Parpaldia Empire, 7:35 AM

The town of Farosth was one of the few spared by the Parpaldian invasion. Years before, the town had decided to stay hidden and cooperative with Parpaldia during the invasion and as such, while economically suffering, much of its citizens were still alive when the invasion occurred.

Settled on a hill overlooking vast farm fields, a particular farmer with blond messy hair had noticed his room felt somewhat colder than usual which was a bit odd for a season like Spring. Believing it was simply cloudy outside from the shade, he stepped out to his backyard only to gasp as beyond what were supposed to be more hills were instead a mighty range with ice and snow on the peaks.

The farmer's dumbfounded gaze was broken however as he shook his head and looked up to see a group of wyverns flying towards the mountains.

Up above, six wyvern units gazed at the mountain incredulously and through their own manacomm, spoke to each other to combat the loud winds. "Where in hell did these mountains come from!?" One said.

"Who knows! They definitely weren't there last night right?" Another said.

"Definitely not! Did some powerful magician create these or what?"

"Why would they need to create a bunch of random mountains!? Besides is there even anyone powerful enough to do that??"

"What so you're telling me these just appeared out of nowhere or something!?"

The banter of the wyvern fighters stopped however as they heard some sort of whirring noise. They looked around as they tried to find the noise before one of them looked up to see a flying machine. The four looked in shock as one of them finally spoke.

"What is that thing!? Is that a flying machine?" A fighter asked

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"What is that thing!? Is that a flying machine?" A fighter asked.

"Seems so! Does that mean Mu is responsible for these mountains?" Another replied.

"I've seen those machines from Mu! They don't look like that! Maybe it's from the Holy Mirishial Empire!?"

"Mu, the Mirishials, whatever! The question is why are they here!? They're breaching Parpaldian airspace! We need to go and confront it!"

"Are ya crazy, our wyverns can't go that high! Look, let's just follow our orders and check out these mountains before we head back, yeah!?" A fighter said while his comrades simply hesitantly agreed and continued over the mountains.

Once they got over the first mountain, they noticed something between the valleys. "I'm spotting villages and roads. A few people around.... Somehow this place is inhabited."

"Wait wait, are they the old towns we know south of here or what?"

"Definitely not. It's different, way different. Relay this to HQ back in town, c'mon!" He said as one of his comrades nodded and started doing so.

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