Chapter 32: Into the Storm

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(Part Two)

Michele looked to his wings as he reached back to touch it. It really was real, and he could feel his hand grip it. But right now he had a job to do. He looked to some of the others who stared at him as he barked his orders, "I'm confused too but right now let's get back to defending!"

The group nodded as some stumbled their words in agreement before they started shooting at the group again. Michele took a hold of his rifle as he huffed and took aim. But just as he was about shoot, he stopped as he watched the linear patterns on his arm be covered in a glowing light. The light blue colour traversed down the path of lines down his arms as eventually it reached his rifle which was suddenly glowing, "My lord..."

Michele then looked up. And with a focused look, he fired a bullet. What came was a bullet encased in light that left a laser-like trail as it pierced one, two, three— an entire row of goblins as the bullet hole was much bigger than it should be. And with a little more excited look, Michele started to fire into the horde.

Nosgorath meanwhile was on high alert. As he observed Michele from afar, he could see the same magical-enhanced projectiles as that of the Ravernal Empire. This was way too dangerous. With a growl of annoyance, Nosgorath clenched his fist as the ground shook. An earthquake resonated through the lands as there was something coming out of the ground. Four towering rock monsters, as tall as five-storey buildings.

At this point the horde was now starting to be pushed back. The infantry and tanks below were starting to inch forward as they managed to tear through the horde especially with Michele's new ability. But then they stopped as they saw the monsters up ahead. Michele and his group decided to focus on the army ahead as the tanks then aimed at the rock giants. Despite them staggering, the rock monsters continued on.

Nosgorath floated behind the beasts as he crossed his arms. The explosion of the cannons were mighty but aside from some debris the monsters continued in. He was now readying his energy some more. But then he could hear a distant sound. Nosgorath furrowed his eyebrows as he looked up and watched as sudden grey wyvern-like machines flew by. And very quickly.

Gai and Moah stopped firing their arrows as the two watched the astonishing speed of the metal wyverns. And then suddenly as the wyverns quickly flew forward, light arrows were fired into the rock giants as debris of stone and pebble hailed onto the demons below.

Nosgorath went wide eyed. He couldn't say anything else further. He watched his monsters be decimated as the jets were circling around. "No no NO!" With a ball of energy, he launched some sort of explosion as the fire turned into a phoenix. It screeched out into the heavens as it started to fly towards the walls.

Michele looked up as he could see that their bullets were worthless. With narrowed eyes, the man then aimed his own rifle and started to fire at the phoenix. And just like that, the flaming beast screeched in pain as it fell to the ground before it dissipated into mere smoke.

Nosgorath clenched his fists. "You mere worthless roaches..." With a deep growl, the Demon Lord positioned himself into a ball as he descended into the ground to protect himself.

Tommaso eyed this and went wide eyed. Another flash of memories hit him. The same recharge Timutheus saw that lead to the deaths of so much of their men. The stage where they barely defeated Nosgorath on Rodenius. And with a voice of shaky determination, Tommaso barked his orders. "Dante, bring us forward!!"

"Huh? But we got orders—"

"JUST DO IT!" Tommaso yelled as he looked back at Dante. The blond man went wide eyed at the expression his best friend gave. He's never seen something like it from the normally quiet man. And with that, Dante brought his helicopter forward away from the line closer to Nosgorath.

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