Is It Hi or Hey?

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*Kimmys POV

Why do they always have to yell? They act like the door between my room and theirs is sound proof. Well, it isn't. I can hear every word being said, no matter how much I tried not to. Music, my escape, didn't even help me here. So, I just decided to leave.

Leaving the screaming behind me, I turned the corner into an alleyway. My worn out converse crunched beneath me as they hit the gravel, easing my angrivation somewhat. It let me pay attention to something other then the pounding in my head. The breeze seemed to help as well.

I walked up the alley I've come to know too well as it's always the place I go when my parents are fighting. It was located behind a club and I could just close my eyes and pay attention to the music instead of my problems. I always hid there when I was having problems...

As I turned another corner, though, I heard talking that usually is not there. I cautiously walked slowly so I could try to decipher what was being said. I knew they weren't from here as they had a slight accent that sounded as if they were from Australia. Why would Australians be in this little town? It was odd.

I planned to just walk past them and wait until they left so I could sort things out in my head. But as I got closer to the groups of guys, I realized why it seemed the voices were familiar. I immediately stopped in my tracks. In front of me were guys I've listened to on the radio and idolized since they started.

They noticed me as soon as I stopped. The tall, dark one looked at me and stared intently into my eyes, wondering why I was looking at them so starstruck. One of them, as upon seeing me, exclaimed, "Hi," at the sane time one of the others said, "Hey." "Is it hi or hey?" the dark haired boy laughed and we all joined him.

"I'm sorry, I'm awkward." I explained. "I stare when I don't know what to do."

"Its fine," Calum chuckled. "Why don't you know what to do?"

"Because I'm a huge fan of you guys..." I admitted. I can't believe I'm talking to my fave band member of 5sos. I can't breathe.

"Oh well in that case....PICTURES!!" the colored hair boy screamed. I jumped at the suddenness of his outburst, then laughed at him and myself. No one seemed to notice my moment of unnecessary fear, so I pulled out my phone and unlocked it to take pictures with my idols. We took one with all of us, one with each, and then funny faced ones (Michaels idea). We stood there taking a million selfies just having fun.

After that, they wanted to sit down and talk. They asked how big of a fan I was. Big mistake. "I know all of your songs by heart actually." I said proudly.

"Really?.....then sing" Luke pressured. My expression quickly faded.

"Sing? I- I- I don't sing in front of people..." I have horrible stage fright. Being bullied as a kid really made me question my abilities.

"Come on....sing Where Ever You Are. You said it was your favorite." They pressed.

"Uhh...Ok?" I agreed. They all cheered. Peer pressure sucks. So I started the song ...

For a while we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane doors
I could barely hold it all inside...

I trailed off...scared of what they would say. To my surprise, they kept singing.

Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of
Yoouuuu wherever you are
Yoouuuu wherever you are

I pulled out my phone to record. I could not believe they were in front of me singing my favorite song.. Its a wonder how I was breathing. After they got to Calums part, Michael kept making faces and made him mess up. We all laughed and Calum did his famous puppy dog pout. His lips were irresistible. Damn....

They started to get up and go to leave, but I had to ask one more thing... "Calum....can I have a kiss on the cheek?"

He looked at me a smiled so wide, it made me almost whimper. "I was waiting for you to ask." So smooth. I pulled out my phone one more time and went to face the camera. "Let me take it. You're jot gonna want to keep your hands off me," he smirked. I felt my cheeks get hot as I looked at the ground.

He held my phone up and I turned to face the camera. "Hey, wait a second..."

"What?" I asked as I turned to face him. And then all I felt was his lips pressed against mine.

Alleyway • Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now