Chapter 36: Residual Bliss

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Chapter 36: Residual Bliss

Nolan's Bedroom, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

      Charley barely opened his eyes after several minutes of resting in the wake of their previous act feeling Nolan's soft warm fingers moving through his long messy brown sweat-slick locks, his ears focused on the younger blond lad's soft moans in the wake of Charley's impressive cock swelling inside him had gotten the newly awakened older man's attention as he groaned reeling from the sensation of active clenching along his impressive shaft as he turned his attention to kissing the pursed lips of the handsome younger blond lad who had elected to take him in, into his home, and into the tight slickness that Charley began to crave from the first time he'd been inside him. Nolan's soft moans continued to increase as he found himself enjoying a series of heated kisses from Charley Bayler as he began to take control jolting their respective bodies along the already messy bedding and relishing the sensation of their continued physical connection.

Nolan had been in the throes of a hazy passion as he looked up at Charley Bayler, noting his neat goatee as it brushed against his chest as the older man peppered his sweat-slick chest with kisses amid his facial hair tickling and prickling the exposed flesh. The younger blond lad's eyes widened as he felt his inner walls clench harder along the large thick cock that invaded him time and time again leaving the lad swimming in the waves of sensation and lustful need as he moved his hands along his lover's bare body, relishing the tight muscles rippling from tension as their act commenced.

His soft warm hands as pale as they were gripped Charly's well-toned ass as he flexed and pumped in between the younger lad's legs, which were bent at the knee as his smaller pale form was bounced along the wrinkled sheets in the wake of Charley's deep and frequent thrusts.

A low grunt escaped Charley's lips as he pressed them into Nolan's heated mouth catching his moan as he pinned him harder against the bed. The younger blond lad's slender pale thighs wrapped around his body like that of a spider around its prey. Charley grinned as he felt Nolan's sopping warmth clench along his thick shaft causing him to groan as he looked down into the handsome lad's blue eyes unable to fathom why he had such a tremendous effect on him.

Nolan seemed to be quite content staring back up at him, his soft moans still falling from his lips as he felt his body clench around Charley's thick cock as it moved in and out of him. He couldn't seem to get enough of the naked brute who had seemingly stumbled into his life when he needed him most.

Charley towered above Nolan, his well-toned hips pumping between the wide-spread thighs of the younger lad as he continued to capture his young mouth in a series of heated kisses still slick from their previous acts and all the more enticing they continued to give in to their mutual desire for one another. Charley had not said it aloud as he stared into the shimmering blue eyes of Nolan Pierce once more, but he had thought the younger blond looked beautiful at that moment, the softness of his smooth skin pressing into his own had seemed to intensify the sensation between them as Charley's mind did a bit of comparing and contrasting for it's own sake.

Nolan's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Charley's hot mouth moved along the sweat-slick flesh of his neck causing him to moan as he rode out the eager older man's thrusts in the wake of their renewed act. He gasped and gripped Charley tighter as he lay on his back taking everything his newfound lover had been willing to give him as his young mind began to swim with the bitter memories of his first sexual encounter with the man who had been his stepfather being compared to his first time with Charley Bayler.

The drunken bastard had come into his room in the middle of the night and ripped his covers from his bed naked and more interested in his cock and hardness than he'd been at anything a then sickly young Nolan would have to endure from the experience. Nolan recalled being in something of a deep sleep until the painful invasion of his asshole had broken through his rather difficult attempt at rest due to illness causing him to scream and struggle against the bedsheets when he'd attempted to raise himself only for the booze-heavy and smoke smelling man to push his head against his pillow to drown out the sounds he'd caused the lad to make in the first place.

Nolan felt his hands feeling up his ass than thighs as he hovered above him pumping his hips into the shaken lad's pale ass savoring each thrust as he took advantage of his stepson, high out of his mind and drunk beyond reason. Tears had begun to stream down Nolan's face mirroring those that had been cascading down the pale cheeks of his former, weak and helpless boy who had been unable to fathom why he'd been violated in such a way.

His first time with Charley had not been like that, the older man had taken care to do what he liked and eased him into a mutually beneficial encounter, although he smelled of booze and cigarette smoke himself, Nolan saw only the man who had come to his rescue, whom had wrapped his arms around him in his time of need and had given him what he had ultimately wanted without hesitation.

A low moan escaped Nolan's lips as he looked up at the sweat-slick and handsome Charley Bayler grateful for any and every moment he'd gotten to spend with him. Charley looked down into Nolan's bright blue eyes as they seemed to shimmer with a good deal of affection and kissed his lips while still pumping his hips rather feverishly between the blond pale lad's slender thighs.

"Oh....oh fuck...." moaned Nolan feeling him delve deeper inside his slickness.

"You like feeling Daddy's big dick in you don't you baby?" asked Charley growling in the younger man's ear.

Nolan nodded biting his bottom lip causing Charley to break out into something of a wicked grin in the wake of his getting to know quite a bit about Nolan's rather interesting habits.

"You gonna cum for Daddy?" he whispered as he kissed Nolan's neck while still pumping inside him.

Nolan's series of moans grew louder and louder and before anyone had known it, his blue eyes rolled into the back of his head as his pale cock twitched and he couldn't hold back as his release coated their bodies once more as Charley looked down at him watching as the younger lad's spent cock throbbed and pulse once it had been finished the first round. Charley kissed Nolan's lips not at all minding that he's chest had been splashed in the process as he used a free hand to stroke the tender flesh causing Nolan to hiss and attempt to recoil with how sensitive he'd been.

He had already felt Nolan clenching around him from within as he braced himself for the inevitable as the blond lad moaned and coated his thick cock as he gasped for breath moaning over and over again as he slid up and down Charley's thick appendage his eyes glazed with lust and bliss alike as he stared rather dreamily into Charley's hazel gaze never wanting their act to end but knowing all too well that the older man couldn't hold back once he'd gotten him to give in.

"Fuck..." growled Charley his pace increasing and growing more desperate as he towered above Nolan. "Still so fuckin' hot when you cum....FUCK!"

Nolan gasped as he felt Charley thrust one last time and flood his sodden sex one last time before he eventually collapsed and rolled off him onto his favored side of the bed.

Both Charley and Nolan had been lying on their backs in silence taking a moment to catch their respective breath and bask in the afterglow of their act. Nolan rolled toward Charley and began kissing his chest and lips needing to feel as close to his lover as possible after the flashes of his ordeal with his stepfather had brought back some unwanted trauma. Charley noticed him trembling and pulled him into his arms believing it to have been from the cool air that filled the bedroom.

"I love you, so much Charley," said Nolan finally breaking the silence as he once more found himself with his head resting on Charley's muscular chest at ease even in the dark as the old unwanted memories began to fade away once more.

"Get some sleep kid," replied Charley in something of a groggy tone before closing his eyes once more.

Nolan had done just that closing his heavy eyelids and nuzzling against the ever gruff Charley's bare chest with his pale cheek. Last he had noted the time it was indeed quite late and the exhaustion after their act had already begun to settle in. 

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