Chapter 26: The Ins And Outs Of An Arrangement

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Chapter 26: The Ins And Outs Of An Arrangement

The Spare Bedroom, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

       Still naked from his previous exploits, a rather contented Charley Bayler sighed as he leaned back against the plush white pillows that lined the bed he'd been given when he first arrived at Nolan Peirce's apartment. He was drunk off his ass during that time but he had been grateful for the place to sleep all things considered. He seemed to be quite comfortable lying on his back with his thick cock sticking straight up in the open air as his arms were folded behind his head.

As he lay there contemplating his new arrangement of sorts with Nolan Pierce, Charley Bayler concluded that he had not been this comfortable around anyone since he'd been with The Bateman family back in D.C., Of course, his comfort had been largely due to them being like a family to him until Julian framed him for theft. Charley continued to reflect and bask in his thoughts just as he found himself given to company once more.

Nolan had finally seemed to have finished his mission of cleaning up the kitchen after their latest act and came prancing into the bedroom a smile filed across his pale face as he slowly climbed onto the bed and straddled Charley's lap wrapping his free hands around the older man's large cock as he met his full-on gaze.

"Fuck..." hissed Charley with a groan as he looked up at Nolan.

The handsome blond lad seemed to delight in his reaction as he began stroking Charley's thick appendage and staring into his eyes as he noticed each aspect of sensation driving a reaction from the older man with ease.

"Did you miss me Daddy?" asked Nolan with a wicked smile. "Because I missed you and this big Daddy dick."

"Yeah?" asked Charley who had moved to grip Nolan's slender pale waist. "How much did you miss me?"

Nolan smiled at Charley then proceeded to hover his mouth along the tip of the older man's cock before slowly licking the head making Charley groan and his hips thrust forward in response.

"You like that Daddy?" asked Nolan with a wicked grin once more. "You like my hot mouth on your big tip?"

"Yeah," growled Charley his eyes darkening with lust as he pulled Nolan down and closer to his body causing the younger blond to let him slip from his fingers.

Before Nolan could feign a protest, Charley slipped his thick cockhead deep inside the whimpering younger lad's sodden sex grunting as he pumped his hips and pulled him down closer as their tongues wrestled and their bodies once more got acquainted in the heat of the moment.

Charley had found it increasingly difficult to deny that there was something about Nolan Pierce that had his attention and held it quite nicely as the moaning blond pale lad bounced up and down on his thick cock stroking his chest with his soft warm fingers. He had not been kidding when he told him that he could keep him in bed all day, it seemed to be the only thing that he had going for him at the moment, no money due to the lack of a job but plenty of sex given the brazen nature of their association.

Nolan's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he hissed moving his smaller pale form along Charley's larger muscular frame amid the bedding that surrounded them. The handsome young blond lad moaned in Charley's ear as he leaned forward kissing his lips as he felt the rough hands squeeze his bare pale ass cheeks and pull his body down harder onto the massive cock that impaled him.

"Fuck..." hissed Nolan relishing the sensation of being stuffed so full. "You feel so deep inside me."

Charley groaned and bit at the flesh of Nolan's neck suckling the flesh and ensuring to leave a mark as he pumped his well-toned hips upward into the sodden depths of the young lad above him.

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