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"Are you sure that it's safe for them to travel in this state?" Aziraphale fretted as he followed the others up onto the rooftop. Eden was carrying the Book of Life and the angel couldn't help but be concerned about his daughter.

"I think your Archangel will be fine, he's practically already healed. And Eden seems fine, but I do recommend that she take a few more days to rest. But I understand if you want to wait a couple more days."

"We'd hate to see you go." Crow added. "It's nice having another me around. And another Aziraphale, even. I never thought there'd be a Gabriel that I would ever be willing to tolerate."

"Don't take this the wrong way," Eden cut in, "But we'd really like to go home."

"I put it back together the best I could. I'm sorry about the paint job." Eden's TARDIS was practically back to its normal self except a good portion of the paint was scratched off.

"It's okay." Eden replied. "I'll fix it when I get home."

"After you get plenty of rest!" Gabriel said sternly. "For the sake of your concerned husband."

"And worried parents!" Crowley added. "I'm not planning on shrinking my Bentley again anytime soon!" Crowley was holding his Bentley, shrunken down to the size of a toy car in his hand. Its windows were cracked and it probably wouldn't endure another portal trip.

"Aw I'll make it up to you all, especially you tiny Bentley." The Bentley honked its horn. "Yes, we'll have a day where it's just the two of us......and Daddy.....you know he can't bear to be without you."

"My Bentley will miss having a buddy that's for sure." Crow murmured sadly.

Eden tucked the Book under an arm and opened the TARDIS's twin doors. The inside was exactly how she left it. The console was even still covered in dry blood.

"Eden?" Aziraphale asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Eden replied. "The blood is still there."

"I can get rid of it for you." Aziraphale said as he raised his fingers to snap them but Eden stopped him. "No, I think that's how I got here."

"What do you mean?" Crowley demanded.

"Angel and demon blood mixed together makes a very powerful substance." Eden answered. "My guess is that when my blood touched my console, it caused a power surge and that's how I got here."

"And given how young you are and what you've endured, your entire system is very unpredictable." Aziraphale concluded.

"Well, angel and demon blood weren't meant to go together, but you two changed that." A strange, yet familiar, pleasant voice said. It came from behind the TARDIS. Everyone peered around and saw a woman dressed in a white robe.

"God!" Eden exclaimed happily. She ran to the woman and the two hugged. "Hello my dear."

"Oh my...." Aziraphale gasped.

"God?" Crow said in disbelief.

"I believe that you have something of mine." God said.

"Oh, yes." Eden replied. "Sorry, I only took it to protect my family." Eden handed God the Book.

"I understand, dear. And that's why from here on out I'll keep the Book with me. Where neither side will get their hands on it. You're family and everyone's family won't be threatened by being wrongfully erased by anyone again. I'm sorry about that, my dear Eden."

"Who's side are you on then?" Crowley demanded. "You weren't in Heaven during Armageddon when it actually happened and you've spent most of existence MIA. What's your deal?"

"I'm on my own side, Crowley, I'm sure you understand that." Before anything else could be said, God vanished in a puff of white smoke.

Eden turned and met the surprised gazes of her family, Azira and Crow. "I told you that I met with her when I was unconscious after the fight with the Dragon!"

"Wot?" Crow squawked. "Dragons are real too?"

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