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"Yeah! Wahoo!" Eden whooped as she sat atop Sam's back, the gray Shire galloped through Epping as if he was flying. The old stallion was as fast as lightning despite his age and Eden loved that about him. It wasn't until nightfall that the pair finally made their way back home in a slow walk. 

Samwise started to canter but Eden gently pulled on his reins. "Whoa, no rush boy. We aren't on a schedule! The kids and the dogs are with my parents, remember? It's the weekend starting tomorrow!" Samwise whinnied in reply.

"Gabriel shouldn't worry so much then!" Eden retorted. Sam snorted. "Oh, he's just a worry wart. I've never fallen off of you the entire time I've had you and he acts like-" Eden suddenly realized that she was falling face first towards the grass.

"Damn stirrup!" Eden exclaimed as she spat out dirt and felt her right ankle twist painfully as it remained in the one stirrup. The other was lying nearby in the grass. 

"Ugh, let's go home." Eden grunted as a dull pain gripped her stomach. Not this again too. She stumbled to her feet and began the trek home leading Samwise by the reins. 

Strange Omens Volume 2: The Book of Life (Bad Omens Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now