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There had been a flash of light. Or to be more accurate, lights of many colors. Traveling to different dimensions is very rare and in some realities it never even occurs. But basically it's like traveling through a series of brightly colored tunnels of light that lead to the dimension you are trying to go to. And it's not an easy trip. It was extremely bumpy and it took a lot of effort for Crowley to keep the Bentley in one piece, luckily he and the Bentley had experience with this much endurance due to having to drive through hellfire on the M25. 

As suddenly as the trip started, it ended. The lights vanished, the Bentley's windows broke into a million pieces and Crowley swore. The hovering ring stopped glowing and it fell on the dashboard, making Crowley questioning the entire ordeal.

After the trio had a moment to get their bearings they realized that they were in Soho London, not far from the bookshop and right as Crowley was asking Gabriel if his idea worked, they heard the gunshots and roaring.  

"I know that roar!" Gabriel exclaimed. "That's Eden! She's in trouble!"

Crowley stepped on the gas and as the shop came into sight, the trio saw the Metatron attacking Eden with a pistol. 

"Crowley hurry!" Aziraphale cried. 

"I am! Hold on!" But he suddenly realized that the passenger door was open and that Gabriel was gone. Another shot rang out and the Archangel slumped on the ground…..

"No…..oh no….." Aziraphale gasped from the back seat.

Strange Omens Volume 2: The Book of Life (Bad Omens Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now