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"So you know where she is?" Crowley demanded.

"Not exactly. But I know how we can get to her, now that we've felt her presence…"

"What do you mean by not exactly?" Aziraphale prompted. 

"Yeah, spill it." Crowley snapped. "Do you know where my daughter is or not." 

Archangel Gabriel took a ragged breath and said, "What do you know about alternate dimensions?" 

"You gotta be shitting me." Crowley had gotten up long into Gabriel’s revelations and was pacing back and forth like a trapped animal. 

"I was never told any of this during my time as an Archangel!" Aziraphale murmured. "Well, I wasn't an Archangel as long as you were…..to be fair….but alternate dimensions....fascinating……"

"An infinite amount." Gabriel clarified. "No one knows why the multiverse exists and Heaven, our Heaven at least has done everything in its power to prevent anyone from crossing over…."

"But Eden already did that once and nothing happened." Crowley reminded. 

"Yes, but that was nothing. I don't think they noticed, but you felt that power surge. They most definitely know now." 

"And you think she got there via the TARDIS, her TARDIS by….?" Aziraphale prompted.

"That I don't know." Gabriel rasped, "Maybe someone did find out about her previous escapade……but I was just so relieved that she came back safe and I just wanted her to sit down since she was carrying Bentley and just take it easy……and I just wanted to focus on us….." Gabriel’s voice drifted away as he rubbed his eyes. "I just want her back and I want her to be safe….it felt like she used a lot of power and that can't be a good thing……"

Aziraphale patted his shoulder. "I understand but we need a means of getting there and transportation." 

"I think we can figure that out." Gabriel said. "Aziraphale, tell me about that pentagram in your bookshop."

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