Part 145

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The next morning, you felt dreadful. You ran to the bathroom, trying your best not to wake George. You were wretching and you felt the need you be sick. Whimpers escaped your mouth as you groaned, moaned and cried, hoping that the pain would go away! George woke up to the sound of you shrieking. He ran to the bathroom to see you crying, head down in the sink.

George: “(Your Name)!!”

He stood up behind you and rubbed your belly smoothly. You continued to cry and shriek in pain.

You: “What’s wrong with me?!”

George: “Relax Princess! You’re suffering from morning sickness! It’s completely natural!”

George held your hair up so it was out the way of your face.

George: “Come on babe! Let it all out!”

He patted your back as you threw up in the sink.

George: “You feel better now?”

You: “Yeah. Thank you! That was horrible!”

George: “I know sweetie!”

He wrapped you up warm in his arms, as he dried your tears. George kissed the top of your head lightly.

George: “Come on! I think we better see you parents!”

You finally got to your parents’ house to tell them the news.

Mum: “Hey darlings! How are you?”

You: “We’re great thanks!! You?”

Mum: “Not so good! Since you’ve left, Leah has gone out of control! I don’t know what’s up with her!”

You: “Oh!!”

You went upstairs alone to see her.

Leah: “Go away!!!!!”

You: “Leah! It’s me! Whatever it is, I’m not here to judge you!”

Leah: “Urggh! Fine.”

You sat on the bed, beside her.

You: “Look. I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately, but why are you doing all this!? Mum is worried sick about you!”

Leah: “You promise you won’t tell?”

You: “I promise.”

Leah: “I know I’m only little, but… there’s this guy. I really like him. I mean REALLY. like him! And there’s a girl called Scarlett! She’s the prettiest girl in the whole school. She likes him too. I know deep down this guy likes me more than Scarlett, but she’s so powerful! She can have him whenever she wants!”

You: “Oh!”

Leah: “But love sucks; He’s amazing, and Scarlett’s a cow!”

Well, that’s rich coming from a five year old!

You: “Sweetie! Don’t think like that!! Life is amazing! He’s not as good as you think he is; and fair enough, Scarlett probably is a cow. But I know how you feel. But he needs to open his eyes and understand who really cares about him! You need to show him how much better you are than Scarlett! Show him what he’s missing!!”

Leah: “Wow! Thanks (Your name)!”

You: “No worries! Right! Come down and apologise! I have to talk to you all!”

Leah finally said sorry to mum as you and George gathered up the family! 

George: “We have a little something to tell you all!”

You: “….I’m pregnant!”

Mum: “Awwwh congrats both of you!!!”

April: “Congrats sis!!”

Leah: “Yay!!!! Baby Shelley in your belly!”

You and George giggled as that was your joke!

Dad: “Congratulations!!! I’m going to be a grandfather!!!”

George: “Yay! Thanks for all being so supportive! Not long until (Your Name)’s first scan!!”

Mum: “Yay!!!!”

Everyone took it really well! It was an afternoon to never forget!

George: “Now’s the hard part! We gotta tell the Shelley’s!!!!

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