Part 105

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You ran into the bedroom and dived onto George.

You: “George! Get up!!!!”

He groaned at you.

You: “We gotta find the boys! We’re going on Celebrity Juice tonight!!!”

George: “Yaay!!”

You rang up the boys and told them the news, so they told their fans on twitter and then came over to yours.

Jaymi: “Hello you two!”

You: “Hey!!”

You all sat down with a coffee having a good old chat! 

Jaymi: “So…I think I better bring this up. But George..why did you run out of Josh’s house?”

JJ interrupted laughing.

JJ: “Why are we even asking?! It’s obvious she’s pregnant!”

They all congratulated you both as you pulled big frowns on your faces. You couldn’t take it anymore. You ran upstairs and locked yourself into the bed room. The boys ran upstairs and knocked on your door.

You: “Go away!”

They all cussed.

JJ: “What’s wrong?”

You ignored them. There was a burning pain inside Josh as he felt your pain. He couldn’t take it anymore; he had to help you.

Josh: “Boys. Let me talk to (Your Name)! Please!!! I need to!”

George nodded.

Jaymi: “Come on then, we’ll be downstairs if you need us.”

Josh: “Okay. Thank you.”

He lightly patted the door.

Josh: “(Your Name) please let me in! It’s only me and you don’t even have to talk to me if you don’t want to.”

You grunted as you unlocked the door. You cried as you buried you head in his arms. He sat you next to him on the bed.

Josh: “We didn’t mean to offend you!”

You: “What?”

Josh: “We didn’t mean to assume that you were pregnant, we were just excited for you!”

You: “I wish you did offend me to be honest Josh. That’s the problem…I’m not pregnant…”

Josh: “Ohh…I didn’t realize you wanted a baby so badly.”

You: “Well, I didn’t either; until I found out I wasn’t pregnant.”

Josh: “That’s terrible…It could be worse Hun! It’s going to be okay.”

You: “How could it be any worse!!”

Josh: “There are girls out there who are pregnant, but they have no one there for them or the baby. No matter what sweetheart; baby or not, George and the boys will always be here for you! You’re part of our family now!”

You: “I guess you’re right.”

Josh: “You know how much you mean to me. I would do anything for your happiness. If you’re still in this situation in a few weeks, maybe I can help you…”

You: “What are you talking about?!!!!!”

Josh: “You know exactly what I’m talking about!”

You: “What are you insane?!!”

Josh: “Well no. It’s an option if George can’t get you pregnant. I can try for you.”

You: “No that’s crazy!”

Josh: “Okay. Just remember that I’m always here, Cheeky!”

You giggled as he wrapped his arms around you, tickling you lightly.

Josh: “You look like you’ve cheered up! Do you wanna come downstairs now?”

You: “Yeah!”

You took his hand and walked into the living room to see the boys. The boys hugged you as you smiled at them.

JJ: “Right are we going to Celebrity Juice or what?”

You: “Hehe! Sure! C’mon let’s go!!”

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