Part 142

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You: “JOSH!!!!!!!!!” 

You screamed with terror as you knelt by his side, taking his hand. You turned to the man who shot him and looked at him dead in the eyes.

You: “I can’t believe you! You’re sick…Why??!!... Why??!!!”

Everyone cried as Josh laid there in pain.

You: “Josh! Please stay strong! For me!!?”

Josh: “I’ll try sweetheart. I’ll try.”

Just as time was running out for Josh, Blair walked in!

Blair: “What an earth is going on!!??”

The men grabbed Blair by his neck, holding him still.

Hoodie man 3: “Pay up £500,000 or else!”

Blair: “Fine! I’ll write you a check! Just please, let them go! And let Josh go to a hospital!!”

They nodded in agreement. But there was no way they would be let off that easy! One of the producers turned out to be hiding in another room and called a policeman and an ambulance! Before Blair handed over the check, the police came in and arrested the three men. Followed by doctors, carrying Josh outside and into the back of the ambulance van.

You were all let free! 

JJ: “Oh my gosh!!!”

Jaymi: “Quick come on!!! We need to get to that hospital now!! Get in the car!!!”

Everyone jumped in and raced all the way to the hospital. You ran to the front desk.

You: “Hi there! I’m looking for Josh Cuthbert!?”

Front desk woman: “Yes! He’s in room 24! He cannot have any visitors right now! Doctors have had to operate immediately! Please sit in the visitor’s room!” 

You nodded and sat in the room.

George: “Is he going to be okay?”

You: “I hope so…George. I’m scared.”

George: “Me too.”

Suddenly, a small doctor walked in and looked right at you. You all stood to see her.

Doctor: “Hi there! I’m Doctor Hilary! I am one of many of Josh’s doctors! He is under so much supervision right now so he’s with good hands!”

JJ: “Is he going to be okay????”

Doctor: “Unfortunately I cannot give you a definite answer right now. But what I can tell you is that he’s one hell of a fighter! There must be a good reason to why he’s hanging on in there! The good news is the bullet missed his heart! Just call if you need anything!”

Jaymi: “Okay, thank you doctor!”

You and the boys did not move for hours that night. You sat there until 3am, and none of you flinched. You just hoped and prayed that Josh would make it.

It was 7am, and finally after all the waiting, Doctor Hilary walked in with her head down, ready to give you the verdict.

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