Part 127

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Dad: “Are you ready?”

You took deep breaths in and out. You nodded your head as it span around and around.

You: “I guess so…”

He took your hand and you walked along the street together, cherishing the last few moments of your life without him always being by his side. The bridesmaids and Leah followed behind you both.

Dad: “You look so beautiful darling! No matter what, you’ll always be my little princess.”

You: “Thanks Dad! I love you!”

Dad: “I love you too!”

You finally reached the venue; A beautiful, snowy part of the street. It was filled with row after row of chairs and fairy lights everywhere! JJ must have worked so hard on this! The snow began to fall even heavier than before! 

People turned around to see your presence, and stood up to face you. As you walked across the glittery white carpet, you never let go of your father’s arm. There were so many people as you looked around; you couldn’t help but explore and feel nervous…Until you saw George.

George gazed into your eyes brightly. You were in another world. A world where no one else existed other than you and him. There were no nerves left inside you. As you heard the beautiful music, you began to walk faster towards him. After all this time you’ve been waiting for him, he’s finally here. He was all yours. 

You finally reached the front and everyone was seated. Your dad kissed you lightly on the cheek and whispered in your ear.

Dad: “I love you Princess.”

He let go of your arm and shook hands with George.

Dad: “You’re a good guy George. She’s all yours. Take care of her.”

George nodded as your dad walked off to sit down. The bridesmaids sat down too.

You couldn’t help but give George the biggest hug ever! George giggled and whispered in your ear…

George: “Hey trouble!”

You: “Hey!! I’m so glad you’re here!”

George: “Wouldn’t miss it for the world! You look beautiful”

You: “Thanks.”

You looked up and saw the Jaymi, and JJ on the left to the Vicar! They smiled at you as you whispered thank you to them for all their help today. To the right of the Vicar, was Josh! He winked at you! You just wanted to burst out into tears! Everything was perfect! You turned to look at George, as he took your hands.

You: “Thanks for getting him to come!”

George: “Of course he wasn’t gonna back out! He’s family!”

That was it. You couldn’t move anymore! You were lost in George’s eyes as he was in yours. The Vicar stood, and began to talk!

Vicar: “We are gathered here today, to celebrate the marriage of this man, and this woman… (Your FULL Name) do you take George Paul Shelley to be your lawfully wedded Husband?”

You: “I do!”

Vicar: “And do you George Paul Shelley take (Your FULL Name) to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

George: “I do…”

Vicar: “Rings!”

You couldn’t believe your eyes when Oreo walked down the aisle with the rings!

Danny walked up to take the rings off Oreo and handed them to you.

George took your hand and slowly placed the ring on your finger! You did the same to him.

Vicar: “May these rings be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go – may they always return to one another. May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women share. May they grow in understanding and in compassion.”

George: “Sir? I have prepared a small speech.”

Vicar: “Fantastic.”

George pulled out a small speech from his trouser pocket!

George: “I’m not here today for any reason but one! That reason is standing right in front of me. (your name) you look so beautiful! I prepared a poem for you actually!

The sparkle in your eye, The warmth of your skin, Your breath on my neck, That shakes me within.

The touch of your hand, The smell of your hair. The naughtiness in your smile, That strength in your stare.

Your kiss on my lips, Your body near mine. The stroke of your touch, That feeling inside.

The Compassion in your embrace. The power in your face. The beating of your heart. That we may never part

The beauty of your kiss, and that magic in your touch. It is for all these reasons and more, Why I love you so much………..”

Your heart melted at his amazing poem!

You: “I just wanna say, that George.. you’re my world, and my life! I don’t know what I would do without you! I couldn’t be happier…”

The whole venue was ‘aww’ing at you both!

Vicar: “I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!”

George smiled as he looked into your eyes. He moved in closer to you and kissed you slowly and so passionately. The crowd cheered and clapped! Your fingers intertwined as you walked back down the aisle together. Everyone threw confetti and congratulated you both sweetly! Some of the fans came to see you on your special day as you waved at them! The bridesmaids followed behind and the lads walked with you too!

JJ: “Congrats!! That’s not all! We have a little surprise!”

You looked around the corner to see a princess horse and carriage! Just for you and George!

JJ: “I managed to get Ash to bring a pony!”

Ash came over and escorted you.

George: “Good thinking!”

You and George got into the carriage, and rode off. Everyone followed in cars behind, ready for some lunch and a big party back at The Shelley’s house!

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