Part 133

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You and George woke up early to work in the Café with JJ and Ash! 

George: “Awwh baby! I love this café!”

You: “Me too! The JCats that come here are so amazing!”

George’s smile, turned into a frown as he realized something…

George: “..Have you taken a pregnancy test lately?”

You: “No…”

You popped to the shops then back to the café toilets to take a test…

You: “Oh…”

Still negative. You curled up on the floor, snuffling as the tears ran down your face. George heard you and ran in the loo.

George: “Baby! Are you okay?”

He sat beside you, holding you in his arms. You nodded.

You: “I not pregnant George.”

George: “Oh…Look sweetie! We have plenty of time! We’ll keep trying! Especially after Jaymi and Olly’s wedding! Let’s just focus on that, seeing as it’s only two days away.”

You: “Good idea! I think I better be getting to Luton; Olly’s gonna want some company!”

George: “Take it steady (Your Name). I love you”

You: “Have fun with the lads! Love you too!”

Later that day, George, JJ, Jaymi and Josh headed out for the stag night while you went over to see Olly…

Olly: “Hey babe!”

You: “Hey!”

He hugged you tightly and welcomed you in.

Olly: “Sweetheart! What’s wrong? You look really down. Don’t lie to me!”

You: “………I’m still not pregnant.”

Olly: “Oh honey! I’m so sorry to hear that! Don’t worry me too!”

You both giggled as Olly cheered you up.

Olly: “You will I’m sure! Just make the most of not being pregnant!”

You: “What do you mean?”

Olly got up and handed you a beer and some scary movies.

You: “Ohh! I guess you’re right!”

Olly: “Now what would you like to watch?”

You looked at the films and picked out Saw! You and Olly watched the film cuddled up, both absolutely petrified. Screaming every minute the film was on for!

Olly: “Haha! We’re so strange!”

You: “I know! I bet the boy aren’t even gonna be able to walk tomorrow! You have yours then too!”

Olly: “I know! But I was wondering if you wanted to come to my night tomorrow! My friend Sian is coming too! It might be a good way to meet her!”

You: “Ahh good idea! Can’t wait!”

George Shelley Fanfic 'The Guy at the Coffee Shop'2Where stories live. Discover now