Chapter 30

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Diego POV:

I can't wait for this three day weekend. I just want to relax for the next few days. Uncle has had Louis and I doing some work for the business so that we can learn more of the ins and outs.

Don't get me wrong I can't wait to take over the business but there's still so much for me to learn in order to be a great leader. One thing for sure is I do have to check my anger. Uncle says that to be a good leader I can't let my emotions get the best of me because it will show I'm too unstable. It's easier said than done, I can keep my cool when needed. I just need to work on my triggers. Once I do that I can be the leader Uncle wants me to be.

Before I can go home though I have to pay a little visit to someone who didn't pay. This is the first time since the incident that Uncle has let Louis and I go off on our own. I have to get this right or else Uncle will never let me take over the business.

"Aye Diego, are we going to handle this tonto at his place or are we taking him somewhere?" Louis asked me.

"His place. He lives alone on the outskirts of town so this should be easy for us."

Louis and I are currently headed to one of the guys' house now to collect the money he owes. I don't know why Uncle is so lenient on this man with his payments. We know he has the money because this is not the first time he's done this. He thinks if he doesn't pay we won't come and collect. It's always the same story he forgot or he didn't have a ride to the rendezvous point. Same old crap every time but there won't be a next time and I will clearly make that point to him.

It was about an hour drive out to his house. It's pretty deserted from society which makes it perfect for us in case things get a little messy.

Pulling up a distance from his house, I make sure my care is hidden from sight. I don't want him seeing us or someone who is driving down this stretch of road.

Getting out of the car I make sure I have everything before we make our way to his house.

"How are we doing this?" Louis asks

"You go around back and I'll take the front just in case he tries to make a run for it. This should take us only about 10 minutes give or take and then we are out of here." I told him. I slide on my black gloves with Louis doing the same so we don't leave any evidence behind.

We made it to the front of the house, giving Louis a head nod he quickly made his way to the back of the house. Once he's there I bang my fist on the door.

The door opens as a middle aged man begins to speak "Finally you're here with the pizza. I was about to call-" he stops mid sentence when he sees me at the door.

"Hello Fernando, I believe you have something for me."

His face turns a little pale. Just as I expected he tries to run out the back door. I just watch silently as he opens the back door and stops once he sees Louis there.

"Come on guys. I-I-I was coming with the money today I swear." He says as he starts to back up. Louis enters the house closing the back door as I do the same with the front.

"Sure you were but the thing is you were supposed to meet us yesterday and you failed to do that so we're here to collect." I tell him as I take a seat on his couch.

Louis pushes him down on the kitchen chair. Making sure to stand behind so he doesn't try to make a run for it.

"Look kid, your Uncle and I have an understanding-"

I raise my hand to silence him, putting my finger up, "One don't call me kid it's sir to you and two do you think my Uncle would have us come all the way down here if you guys had an "understanding"." I use my fingers as air quotes. He really is estúpido.

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