Chapter 23

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*Sorry for the wait*

Diego POV:

After hanging up on Katrina, I started to make my way to the house.

I already know I'm going to hear Katrina's mouth about how I hung up on her. She'll just have to get over it. I'll deal with her when the time comes.

As I'm driving down the road, my head is clouded by never ending thoughts.

I already know Uncle is going to say yes to letting Katrina have her little "sleep over". She has him wrapped around her finger, don't get me wrong he's not a push over by any means but majority of the time Katrina gets her way, the perks of being his only daughter.

Now the problem with that is I'll now have to deal with Zipora coming over and that's bad. Whenever she is around I feel like I can't think straight, it irritates me how all my thoughts go to her. I don't really know her and I'm drawn to her, how is that even possible?

I shouldn't even be thinking about her but I can't help it and what makes it worse is she's Katrina's friend.

This is stupid, Its not even that big of a deal I just have to make sure I'm out of the house most of the weekend and everything will be fine. But before I do that I have to apologize for my outburst and then I'm going to make sure I'm out of the house for this "little sleepover".

I won't have to see her except for dinner and that's it, I can handle that.

Pulling up to the house I nod to the security guard as I go through the gates. I park behind Katrina, I can't help but be annoyed. I was really hoping to make it home before she did but luck is not on my side.

Getting out of the car I take my time walking to the front door, if I'm right Katrina will be waiting by the front door ready to pounce. I don't know how she does it but she always knows when I'm home it's like her sixth sense. Even when I'm as quiet as can be, she knows.

I take my time putting in the code to the door and slowly walk inside, it's quiet which is strange. Usually the house is full of noise. Looking around I don't see anyone, so I start to make my way to the kitchen to grab some tamales that Aunt Sila made.

I decided to go through the second entrance to the kitchen, just in case Katrina decides to make an appearance, which means I have to go past the living room.

As I'm making my way there I step on one of Mateo's Lego toys that he has laying around, which is weird since I know Aunt Sila doesn't like it when he leaves them laying around.

Picking it up, I go to throw it in the plastic bin in the corner when I feel a body jump on my back causing me to stumble. Turning around I see who the culprit is.

"What the heck Katrina, get off me!" I didn't even hear her run up on me.

I hear her laugh evilly, " You think I was going to let you get away with disrespecting me!" She shouts in my ear

"I told you to stop hanging up on me but you never listen, this dear cousin is payback. How did Mateo's toy feel in your foot?" She says, while trying to choke the life out of me.

Of course she's the one who left Mateo's toys out. Mateo would usually have them put up to avoid the scolding from Aunt Sila. This girl has finally lost her mind.

Standing up straight I try to shake her off of me but it's not working she literally has a death grip on my neck. I'll give it to Katrina once she latches on she doesn't let go. I'm going to have to end this now before she chokes the life out of me.

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