Chapter 18

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Diego POV

After leaving the parking lot I make my way to my last class, which is really like a study hall. Walking to my class I feel my phone vibrate. I pull out my phone from my pocket and I see that I got a text from Louis letting me know they caught the guy.

That's good news, I text back letting him know to bring the guy down to the warehouse. Now to give Uncle a call letting him know that the situation is handled.

Going to a secluded area behind the school I make the call, he picks up on the second ring.

" Supongo que tienes buenas noticias para mí, Diego." he says getting right to the point.

(I'm assuming you have good news for me Diego?)

" Sí tío, Louis me acaba de avisar de que han cogido al tipo". I replied.

(Yes Uncle. Louis just let me know that they caught the guy.)

He hums pleased, ""Eso es bueno, ¿está en el almacén?." He asked next

(That's good, is he at the warehouse?)

"Todavía no, Louis y los chicos lo están llevando allí ahora".

("Not yet, Louis and the guys are taking him there now.")

I tell him proud that the boys pulled through. No one threatens the family and gets away with it.

"Bien, bien, nos encargaremos de él en cuanto salga de la escuela". He tells me.

(Good good, we will handle him as soon as you are out of school)

I'm about to agree with him until I remembered I told Zipora that I would take her home.

Clearing my throat I tell my Uncle, "En realidad tengo algo que hacer después de la escuela, pero estaré en el almacén lo antes posible".

(Actually I have something to do after school but I'll be at the warehouse as soon as possible.)

There is a pause before he speaks, "¿Qué es más importante que estar en el almacén?"

By his tone of voice I know I better tell him before he goes off.

(What is more important than being at the warehouse?)

"Me llevo a casa a la amiga de Katrina, de la que siempre habla".

(I'm taking home Katrina's friend, the one she always talks about.)

I tell him hoping that he doesn't dig too deep into why I'm taking her home. My Uncle knows I don't normally do things like this.

There is another pause again before he answers, "Hmmm bien... cuando termines de dejar a la chica, ven directamente al almacén".

(Hmmm alright... after you're done dropping off the girl, come straight to the warehouse.)

I sigh in relief, I figured if I mentioned Katrina's name it would help. "Lo haré tío."
(I will Uncle) 

I tell him just as the bell rings.

"Vete a clase que te veo en el almacén... adiós Diego".

(Get going to class I'll see you at the warehouse... goodbye Diego.)

"Adiós Uncle"

(Bye Uncle.)

Hanging up, I make my way to class to finish off the rest of my lunch. Hopefully this school day goes by quickly so I can make it to the warehouse.



The bell finally rings for the last period of the day. Everybody starts to pack and rush out of the class. I take my time since I don't have a last period, on my way out I wink at a couple of girls that were standing outside the class looking at me. I smirk when I hear them giggle as I make my way down the hall.

They were cute but not worth pursuing, females can be a distraction and I don't need that in my life right now even though my mind is constantly stuck on Katrina's friend.

I start to frown at that, Zipora is not the type of girl I would see myself with but there is something about her that interests me.

It really does irritate me and I know if Louis and Katrina find out they will both give me a lecture about it especially Louis.

That's why I'm ready to just get out of school, I wish my Uncle would just hand over the business now. I know he wants me to finish school and get a diploma but he didn't have to finish school. My Uncle and sperm donor were able to get straight into the family business. My Abuelo didn't care if they got their diplomas as long as they knew the basics it was all good.

But in order to be the best I can be, he wants me to finish school and being at school equals seeing Zipora.

I'm so distracted by my thoughts that I don't even notice when Maria and her friend Gisele walk up to me.

"Hola Diego." they both say at the same time.

I stop in my tracks looking down at both of them. I really don't talk to them like that. It's mostly Louis that does and don't get me wrong they are both cute but they are too clingy. I do not like when females are clingy right off the bat, they are usally the crazy ones. I like my women crazy but not crazy crazy.

"Hi Maria and Gisele, how are you guys?" I greet them as politely as I can.

They giggle before responding "We're great Diego, you look really handsome today." Maria tells me while slowly getting closer.

"Thanks, you look nice too." I tell her, returning the compliment. I want this conversation to be over already.

"What about me Diego, do I look nice today?" her friend Gisele asked me while batting her eyelashes at me.

I groan on the inside and tell her she looks nice as well. Again they giggle and try to continue conversation with me. At this point I'm just looking at them with a bored look on my face as they yap away.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Zipora walk past us rather quickly with a frown on her face. I wonder why she looks like that.

I tune back in when I hear Gisele say something about Zipora, "Gross there goes darkie again, she needs to back to the zoo where she belongs." she says as Maria laughs at her comment.

What the heck did she just say? I started to see red at this point and felt my body tense up. How dare these hyenas (as Katrina likes to call them) disrespect Zipora.

I look down at them as they continue to giggle. "Don't you ever talk about her like that again" I tell her, cutting them off.

They look at me scared and confused, "But Diego-" Maria tries to speak but I cut her off.

"I'm not going to repeat myself, keep her name out of your mouth if you don't want to have a problem with me, you understand?." I tell them both in a deathly calm voice.

They take a step back and nod their heads just as the late bell rings.

"Get to class, you're already late." I tell them as I walk away from them not waiting for a response.

I don't know why that pissed me off but all I know is that the next person to disrespect her will have to deal with me.

I don't know why that pissed me off but all I know is that the next person to disrespect her will have to deal with me

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