Chapter 24

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Diego's Pov:

       After cleaning up the mess Katrina and Mateo made we helped bring in the groceries Aunt Sila bought.. more like Katrina and I did while Mateo cheered us on.

There were a whole lot of bags to bring in, with this much food you would think she was feeding a village. After grabbing all the bags we walk into the kitchen and set the bags down on the counter.

"Thank you, for helping bring in the groceries." Aunt Sila tells Katrina and I as she starts to take things out of the bags.

" I helped Mama." Mateo says as he squeezes past Katrina and I running into Aunt Sila's legs.

She picks him up, "You did? I didn't see you bring in any groceries Mateo?"

"That's because he didn't, all he did was sit on the porch and cheer us on." Katrina says with a roll of her eyes.

Mateo gives her a dirty look before turning to Aunt Sila with a smile, "I was helping by cheering them on Mama."

"Aww my sweet boy," she says while placing kisses on his cheeks, "Thank you for being such a great help, that must have really motivated them."

"You're welcome Mama." Mateo says with a big grin on his face.

Katrina and I both rolled our eyes, I swear this kid has Uncle Miguel and Aunt Sila wrapped around his finger.

She put Mateo down and asked us to help her put away all the groceries.

"Mama, why did you buy so much food?" Katrina huffs out. "We already have so much food in the fridge and pantry."

"Katrina, you know all this food is not going to last a week with how much the boys eat."

Aunt Sila is not wrong. Once Uncle, Mateo, Louis, and I come through the kitchen all the food is pretty much gone.

"Yeah Katrina, you already know this." I told her.

"Shut up Diego, it's not my fault you guys are a bunch of gordos. Poor Mama has to go out and buy food while you guys just eat it all." She says bumping past me and walking to put some food away in the pantry.

"Says the one who sneaks down in the middle of the night to rummage through the kitchen like a raccoon."

"I do not rummage through the kitchen like a raccoon."

"Yes you do and it doesn't help that you look like one too." I add on knowing it's going to make her mad.

Katrina's turns around her face all red "I do not... you little rat face."

I start chuckling, "Rat face? Real original Katrina." 

It's so easy to get under Katrina skin.

"That's it!" She says as she starts to charge at me. Before she can, Aunt Sila's voice stops her.

"Nope, not in my kitchen. You two already messed up my living room and you're not about to do it here."

"Mama Mateo was there too and it's not my fault Diego is a cabeza de caca." She says pointing at me.

"Katrina-", I'm cut off by Aunt Sila.

"I know he was there, Katrina and stop calling Diego names and Diego stop messing with Katrina." she says turning to us with her hands on her hips.

"Okay," we both say at the same time.

Aunt Sila smiles at our response. "Good,  now hug it out."

Katrina and I both look at her shaking our heads.

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