Chapter 13

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Zipora's Pov:

*4 months later*

~ Beep Beep ~ Beep Beep

I groan hearing my alarm go off, indicating that it is time to get up for school. I roll over and turn off my alarm laying back down on my back. I stare up at the ceiling.

I can't believe that we have been here for four months already, it feels just like yesterday that we moved to California. It has also been four months since I have been at Bellmore and it has been quite peaceful except for my first day of school.

During these four months Katrina and I have become closer, she's like a sister I wish I had. It's nice having a friend to count on. I was so used to being alone that I forgot what it was like to have a friend. Katrina and I get along really well, she is the more outspoken one and I'm the more reserved one, the dynamic works well for us.

I also found out that she is a year older than me which makes her a Sophomore. I had a feeling that she was older than me, she is very mature for age just like me. She was also shocked to find out that I am only fifteen, it's funny how often people think I am older than what I am.

Katrina has made me feel welcomed here, she has also been helping me keep a low profile so I do not have any run-ins with Diego and Louis.

For the most part Louis has left me alone, the only thing he does now is glare at me whenever we see each other, which works for me cause I glare right back.

Diego on the other hand just stares at me with a blank look on his face. I can never tell what he's thinking when he looks at me; sometimes we just look at each other until one of us looks away, usually I'm the one looking away.

I hate that my heart always starts to race every time I see him or when I find myself looking forward to seeing him everyday.

I do not know when this little crush happened but it bugs me that I can't seem to shake it.

Looking at the time on my phone, I see I have about twenty minutes to get ready before Katrina picks me up. I'm so happy that I have a friend with a car. I think to myself getting out of bed.

I go to my closet and look through it trying to figure out what to wear as it was a nice cold day today. I decided on a black turtleneck with a pair of black joggers and black vans. What can I say I love the color black.

I style my freshly done box braids into a high ponytail and put some lip gloss on my lips. I like to keep it simple, no need to go all out for school.

Looking at the time I see I have five minutes until Katrina arrives, just enough time to grab a bagel.

I grab my backpack and phone and make my way to the kitchen, seeing that my parents already left for work.

Just as I am about to pull the bagels from the fridge, I feel my phone vibrate. Looking down I see I got a text from Katrina letting me know that she is outside. I guess no bagel for me today, an apple will have to do.

I rush out the door making sure I lock it before I leave. I started to make my way to Katrina's Blue Jeep Wrangler, she really loves the color blue.

Opening the door I'm greeted by a smiling Katrina, "Good morning chica", she says to me as I close her car door.

I smile, greeting her back "Morning Katrina, thank you for picking me up today," I tell her.

My Mom usually takes me to school but today her and my Dad had to be at work early to prepare for a case they have later on today.

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