Chapter 20

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Diego's Pov:

Watching Zipora walk away from my car, I don't know how to feel.
I didn't expect her to ask me that question. I mean I admit I wasn't the best person to her when we first met. It wasn't because she was black but because she has a really slick mouth at times.

I didn't plan on going off on her, it just pissed me off that she thought I blamed all black people for what happened in the past. Does it make me a racist if I keep my guard up when I first see a black person?

No, I do that with everybody, you never know who you can trust nowadays. Shaking my head, I start to drive to the warehouse once I see her go inside her house.

Thinking about it, I know a part of me knows she's right. It's crazy because Katrina was there when the situation happened but she doesn't have any problems with black people. It seems like it's really just Louis and I that couldn't move on from the past.

Aunt and Uncle would be so disappointed in me if they found out the way I've treated Zipora. My Uncle always tells me to never judge a book by its cover and that's exactly what I've done with her and every other black person.

Crap... now I have to apologize to her. I hate apologizing to people but she didn't deserve what I said to her and it would be the right thing to do.

Pulling out my phone, I scroll down to Katrina's name to ask her for Zipora's number. She's going to give me crap for it but oh well. Just as I'm about to call, I get an incoming call from Louis. I let it ring for a little bit before answering, "Yeah" I put him on Bluetooth.

I hear rustling in the background before he answers. "Are you on your way?"

Looking at the clock I see I'm about 10 minutes out "Yeah I'll be there in like 10 minutes," I tell him, as I step on the gas. To get to the warehouse I use the backroads to go undetected.

He doesn't respond for a little bit, I already know he's about to ask me what I was doing. "Alright, what did you have to do anyway?" There's the question, I have two options: I could tell him where I was or I could tell him to mind his business.

But I have a feeling that he already knows what I was doing, "I was dropping off Katrina's friend." I tell him as I make a sharp left turning into another side street.

There is another pause before he speaks, "The black girl? Why would you do that?"

I let out a sigh, "Katrina couldn't do it because she had to stay after school, so I said I would take her home."

He scoffs at that, "She has two legs, she could've walked home."

"It put Katrina at ease so I took her home." That's all I'm going to tell him. He doesn't need to know why I really took her home.

"That doesn't sound like you Diego." He tells me

I'm done with this conversation, I don't have to explain myself to him or anybody else. I wanted to take her home, that's all, it's not a crime to be a good person.

"It doesn't matter, it's over and done with." I hang up the phone pulling into the warehouse.

Getting out of the car I slam the door shut and make my way inside. I'll deal with the Zipora situation later for now I need to focus on the task at hand.

Walking inside, I'm hit with the strong stench of bleach. I will never get used to that smell, it always makes my stomach turn.

Looking around I see that some of the guys are moving products to the loading trucks. This is good, it means our shipments will all be on time and that means more money coming in. I nod to the guys and make my way to my Uncle's office.

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