Chapter 25

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Diego POV:

After dinner was over, I offered to clear the table and do the dishes. We usually take turns doing it but I decided I would do it because I needed to distract myself from my thoughts.

"Thank you hijo," Aunt Sila says as she places a kiss on my cheek. Her and Uncle bid us all good night and left with Mateo heading upstairs to probably watch a movie before his bedtime.

The only ones left are Katrina, Louis and I. I don't make any eye contact with Louis as I start to clear the table. I really don't want to hear what he has to say regarding Zipora.

"I'll help you Diego." Katrina says. Which surprises me since I know she hates doing the dishes.

"Louis you can get lost, this is a Diego and I bonding moment." She tells him.

I hear Louis scoff, "Shut up Katrina, I wasn't going to stay anyway. I have business to handle."

"By business you mean messing around with one of your many putas."

I try not to laugh when she tells him that. Louis is known for messing around with a bunch of girls and not always the best ones.

"Wouldn't you like to know and don't call them putas. They are classy girls unlike you."

Classy is not a word I would use to describe some of the girls he messes with.

"Whatever, just don't come crying to us when you catch something " She says walking out the dining area to the kitchen.

I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore. By the look on his face I can tell she struck a nerve.

"She's so irritating." He mumbles out. "And I'm glad you find this funny Diego."

"Hey, don't get mad at me. You're the one that pissed her off at dinner."

"Yeah yeah, I was just stating my opinion about her little friend. I wanted to say more about her but your Aunt and Uncle were there. Also why did you agree to let that little monkey come over anyway." He asked me.

I stop collecting the plates and look up at him, "She's not a monkey, so don't call her that." I grit out.

Louis looked at me confused, "Why?, it's not like you haven't called her one before."

He's right, I admit I have called her that word but I never should have. "Doesn't matter! Just don't call her that, she has a name so use it."

Louis doesn't say anything so I continue, " She's no problem to us, so there's no harm in letting her come over." 

He just stares before responding , "Alright... Look I have to go, I'll talk to you later." He doesn't give me a chance to respond before he's out the door.

As I watch him leave I know he's not happy with my response.

Honestly I don't know how I feel either. When it comes to her I just feel differently and I wish I could explain it to Louis but he won't understand. Why does this all have to be so complicated?

I'll figure something out, heading to the kitchen I see Katrina at the sink washing some dishes already. Placing the dishes in the sink I takeover for her and start doing the rest.

"Thanks for helping." I tell her

"No problem."

It's silent while we clean up the kitchen. It takes us about 20 minutes for us to clean the kitchen and the dining area. Katrina breaks the silence as we are about to head up the stairs.

"Thank you."

Stopping in my tracks I looked down at her, "You already said thank you at dinner but I don't mind hearing it again." I say smirking

She rolls her eyes, "Shut up, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you defending Zipora's name. You didn't have to but you did... so thank you."

I nod at her, "You're welcome and I only did it for you so don't think too much about it."

"Keep telling yourself that." She says, patting me on the shoulder. "I'm going to bed, I have to get up early to pick up Zipora tomorrow. Goodnight Diego." She says walking upstairs

"Night Katrina."

Heading up to my room, I decided to take a shower to clear my head.

I hope tomorrow is a better day.


Zipora Pov:

After I get out of my shower I see I got a text from Katrina letting me know that the sleepover was happening.

Texting her back I let her know I can't wait. Even though my parents have not said yes yet, I know they will once they meet Katrina in the morning. After that I change into my pajamas and get into bed. My heart starts to pick up thinking about going over to her house... where Diego is.

This is definitely going to be an interesting sleepover.

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