Chapter 2

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Zipora Pov:

Walking inside, I noticed the stare's have gotten even worse since I had that little altercation outside with "Louis".

"Just great," I mutter to myself. Just what I needed, unwanted attention on my first day of high school.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't even hear anyone walking up beside me "You got some real guts standing up to Louis like that." I hear a silky voice say. Startled, I look up at the dark haired girl who just appeared out of nowhere wondering where she came from.

"Hi I'm Katrina," she says, stretching one of her manicured hands out waiting for me to respond with a pretty smile on her face. "...Zipora," I responded, shaking her hand and taking a good look at her. everybody at this school just beautiful I thought to myself.

She has long dark hair, a petite nose people would die for, and the straightest teeth I've ever seen. Her outfit was really nice, a beautiful blue dress with ruffles at the end, a slight v cut in the front of her dress and a blue purse to match her eyes- her eyes are what stood out the most though.

Wait a minute...I know those eyes, I just looked into those eyes, she has the same eyes as-

"Nice to meet you Zipora" she said, shaking my hand "word of advice though...," she says looking around the hallway leaning in close to me. "I would not get on the bad side of Louis, he's pretty messed up in the head if you know what I mean", she says making the crazy motion with her hands.

Trust me she does not have to worry about that "Hmm... I'm not worried about Louis,'' I say with disgust on my face, continuing my walk down the crowded hallway trying to get to my first period, Math 101, gross it's too early to have math first period.

Katrina shakes her head, "He's not the one you should be worried about" she says with a small frown on her face. "It's my cousin Diego who you should be worried about," she says with a hint of fear in her voice, her smile completely gone.

So that's why her eyes looked familiar, she's related to Diego, wait why does she look almost ...scared?

"Um Katrina" I pause suddenly, my walking coming to a halt "Am I missing something? why do you have that look of fear on your face", I said stopping right outside my almost full classroom. There better be some seats left in the back.

"Look... just stay away from them alright" she said seriously "They have a code, you mess with one of them you mess with all of them and I'm telling you won't be good if-" she stops getting cut off by the bell ringing.

With a grim look on her face she looks at me "I have to get to class" she sighs "Just stay away from them alright?". She repeats her question, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"...Okay," I say quietly with a confused look on my face, trying to figure out what is so scary about a bunch of high school boys, and why she wants me to stay away from them.

I shake my head " I didn't plan to be around them anyway" I say more to myself.

"Cool" she says, smiling brightly fixing her purse that fell down her shoulder.

"Maybe I'll see you around then" Katrina says with a soft smile on her face, turning to leave down the now almost empty hallway.

"Yeah, sure..." I say to her as she retreats down the hallway.

Thinking about what Katrina said I walk into the classroom taking the last seat in the back, getting ready to start this already tiresome day.

Thinking about what Katrina said I walk into the classroom taking the last seat in the back, getting ready to start this already tiresome day

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*A Picture of what Katrina looks like is in the cast*

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