Chapter 12

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*Zipora's House*

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*Zipora's House*

Zipora Pov:

The drive home was pretty quiet for the most part, which I did not mind at all. My mind was too distracted by the things that happened today. I couldn't help but think about what happened at school. I'm starting to give myself a headache.

I just wanted it to be a lowkey day but instead I got a day full of drama. First it was Louis getting in my face twice and then Diego pushing me up against the lockers.

My heart starts beating faster when I think about how close him and I were. I have never felt so nervous in my life, his eyes... I just can't get them out of my head the way they grew darker the more he got upset. It was creepy but I couldn't help but be intrigued.

Ugh what is wrong with me, the boy threatened me and I'm thinking about his eyes.

Shaking my head trying to rid myself of thinking about Diego, I see we finally made it home. We lived in a nice little brown one story house, it gave me cabin vibes for some reason.

As soon as my mom pulled into the garage, I hurried up and jumped out of the car. I was just ready to go and lay down in my bed.

Before I could make it to the door I heard my Mom call my name, "Zipora get back here and close my door, girl have you lost your mind."

I apologize, going back to close her door, "Honey, why are you in such a rush, your room is not going anywhere?" she asked me, laughing.

I laugh with her, "It has been a long day mom, I just want to take a nap."

She nods her head with a smile, "Go ahead, I will wake you up when dinner is ready." she tells me.

I do not need to be told twice, before she knew it I was gone like the wind already heading to my room.

When I get to my room I close the door and throw my backpack down on the floor; jumping right on my bed. I lay on my stomach and turned on my phone, deciding to watch a few youtube videos to pass the time but before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.


I'm startled awake when I hear a knock on my door, looking around I see that there is still a little light outside.

Patting around my bed trying to find my phone, I find it under my covers, I check the time and see it's six pm, so I only took about a two hour nap.

I yawn, stretching my body, "Zipora, it is time to eat dinner,'' I hear my Mom say behind the door.

"Coming," I tell her slowly rising from my bed. Walking out of my room, I go to the dining table and see my Dad is at the head of the table.

I smile going up to my Dad, "Hey Dad," I tell him, giving him a bear hug. I have always been closer to my dad than my mom, I can talk to my Mom but it is just easier to talk to my Dad about things.

"Hey Z, how was your first day at Bellmore," he asked me, giving me a big hug back.

"It was interesting," I told him, taking my seat at the table.

"Interesting how?," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just high school things dad, I did make a potential friend though," I tell him, leaving out the part when I got into it with two senior boys.

You see my Dad is very protective of me and my Mom, so certain things we just don't tell him, we do not need him going to jail because he did something crazy.

My parents both smile at the fact I made a new friend. I'm not very social like I said so hearing this makes them excited.

"That's great honey," my mom says while putting some meatloaf and mashed potatoes on our plates.

Nodding his head my dad responds, "That's good, maybe you can invite your new friend over sometime."  He offers.

" Sure down the line I will, I did just meet her after all, I want to see how things go before I invite her over." I told him.

The conversation ends there and we both thank Mom for making dinner and our plates before we start digging in.


After dinner is done, my Mom brings out her famous peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream on top. I love her peach cobbler, she does not make it often but when she does let's just say it does not last more than two days.

Taking a nice size portion for myself I ask mom and dad how their day was at work. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is his assistant. It was your typical love story right there.

They went to the same college, fell in love, got married, worked for a bit and had me. They are pretty well known in Colorado where we used to live. They wanted a new start and decided moving to California was just what we needed.

They both said their day was good but tiring, I nodded at that continuing to stuff my face with peach cobbler and ice cream. They both laughed at me telling me to slow down, I couldn't help it, it was so good.


Once we finished dessert it was about eight pm; I still needed to take a shower and do some homework.

What kind of teacher gives homework on the first day of school? That is so annoying I think to myself as I head to my room after telling my parents goodnight. They decided to watch a movie together before they go to bed.

Closing my room door I get all my toiletries ready so I can take a nice hot shower, after the day I've had I needed it.

I am happy that I have a bathroom in my room, it makes things so much easier. 

After I get out of the shower, I grab my backpack off the floor; walking over to my desk to do the homework that was given out by our Math teacher, I hate math.

Time goes by as I try to finish my homework. When I finally finish, I look at my phone to see that it was ten o'clock on the dot.

I might as well go to bed, I stretch before putting away my homework and walking over to turn off the light. I usually go to bed a little later than this but I'm drained and just want to go to sleep, that nap did nothing.

Climbing into my queen sized bed, I get under my covers and think about today's events again.

Today was crazy, I made a potential friend and two possible enemies, one of which I can't seem to get out of my head.

What is wrong with me? Diego is the last person I should be thinking about and yet here I am thinking about him before I go to bed. He just won't get out of my head for some reason.

I shake my head rolling over to my side. I just need to get through this year unnoticed by him and my life will be good. I tried to convince myself before I slowly drifted off to sleep.

*Next chapter will be a bit of a time jump*

*Next chapter will be a bit of a time jump*

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