Chapter 17

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Zipora Pov:

I couldn't concentrate during my last class. I felt my anxiety spike every time I thought about being in a car alone with Diego.

I have no idea what to even talk about with him or if he even wanted to talk?

I already know it's going to be so awkward. I really wish Katrina could take me home or that one of my parents could pick me up.

I definitely should've fought harder when it came to him taking me home but that look he gave me was so chilling. It also doesn't help that I kind of have a crush on him which I know I shouldn't. I really don't know much about him other than him being Katrina's cousin. He also has an attitude problem, and he likes things done his way. That's not much to go on, and let's be honest his looks are what makes him attractive.

I'm probably just overreacting, it might not be that bad, for all I know this could be the start to a beautiful friendship.

Who am I kidding? He doesn't want to be friends with me.

I just need to get through today and it will all be good.

The bell finally rings and I start packing up for the last class of the day Art. I'm so glad that I have Katrina in that class. She is the only one I talk to in all my classes.

I pretty much keep to myself in my other classes. I know I should probably try to make friends but the semester is almost up and I don't see any point. I'll just have to try for next semester.

Getting to Art wasn't so bad, the hallway was not as crowded as it usually was. Thank God for that. I hate having to be squished just to try to make it to class.

When I arrive I'm the first one there, which is surprising because the bell is going to ring in 5 minutes. Usually the class gets pretty packed since Mrs. James lets us sit wherever we want and a lot of the students prefer the back of the class.

Since there is still 5 minutes before class, I might as well go to the bathroom.

I set my backpack down at one of the back tables near the window that way me and Katrina can have a table just in case I'm not back in time.

Stepping back into the hallway I rush through the hall of students making my way to the bathroom.

Finally making it to the bathroom I see that it is empty thank goodness for that. I hate going into the bathroom when there are a bunch of girls in there.

Looking for the cleanest stall I end up choosing the biggest one, it's so nasty how most girls don't flush.

After using the restroom I'm just about to open the stall when I hear some girls walk in talking about Diego.

"Maria, did you see Diego today? He was looking real good."

"Yeah I saw him, he was with his cousin and that dark skin girl." The Maria girl says with disgust in her voice. What the heck, is the whole school against black people?

"Ewww since when does he hang around black girls?" the unknown girl asked.

"Girl it's not him it's Katrina that does, you know she has a thing for strays."

After she says that they both start laughing. I can't stand people like them. Having had enough of their conversation I exit the stall to wash my hands. As soon as I do, their laughter stops as they both look at me through the mirror.

I refuse to acknowledge them as I start to wash my hands. Now that I know what they look like, I should've known that it was "thing one and thing two" as Katrina likes to call them.

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