Chapter 19

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Zipora Pov:

The closer it got to the end of the day the more my anxiety would flair up. I had to keep wiping my hands on my pants because they kept getting so sweaty.

I know that nothing is going to happen with Diego but it's the fact that it's just going to be me and him in a car alone.

Usually Katrina makes up for the lack of conversation but now I have too. I could just not say anything the whole car ride but I feel like that would be rude considering he did pay for my lunch and is giving me a ride home.

If I'm being honest I do want to know more about him and I want to get down to why he has a problem with black people.

I know he is not going to tell me right off the bat but maybe we can establish some type of friendship down the line and he will be comfortable to tell me.

I'm so into my thoughts that I don't even notice Katrina trying to get my attention, "I'm sorry Kat, what were you saying?". I asked her, shaking my head trying to clear my thoughts.

"You good chica?, I've been trying to get your attention for about five minutes now." she asked me with a look of worry on her face.

I give her a reassuring smile, "Yeah I'm good just in my head, what were you saying?"

Katrina stares at me for a second before continuing, "Well I was thinking that this weekend you can come over and spend the night since we don't have school on Monday?" she asked me, bouncing in her seat.

I almost forgot that we don't have school Monday due to the teachers being in meetings that day. I want to say yes but honestly it depends on how the car ride with Diego goes. If it goes good then it's yes but if it goes bad I don't want to say yes and be at his house if he is going to be there.

Before I can respond Katrina continues, "It would be so much fun and you don't have to worry about Diego and Louis. They have plans already so they shouldn't be there for most of the weekend except for dinner."

I pondered over it for a little bit, it would be fun to go and I've never had a sleepover before. When I was younger none of the kids wanted to invite me over; they thought I was weird because I would rather be myself than hang out with them. Which is true because those kids were nasty and I don't do nasty.

Plus she did say that Diego and Louis would be gone most of the time, so it should be fine.

" Yeah, that would be cool. I just have to ask my parents but it should be okay." I told her.

Katrina starts to squeal and clap her hands, "This is going to be so much fun chica. I'll text and let you know what my parents say but they should be okay with it."

I nod my head at her as she lists off all the things that she wants us to do at her house. I'm a little nervous to meet her parents but she assured me that they would love me and so would her little brother. I'm excited to go, hopefully my mom and dad are cool with me going even though they haven't met them.

Our conversation is cut short when Mrs. James starts to talk, " Alright class the bell is about to ring so everybody put your projects away and the last five minutes is all yours." she tells us.

As we start to pack up Katrina lets me know that she is going to ask Mrs. James if she can go and get our leftover Chinese food. I can't believe I almost forgot about my food, I was so worried about my car ride with Diego that I would've forgotten my free Chinese food.

I watch as she gets up to ask and judging by the look on her face Mrs. James said yes which I figured she would.

While Katrina was away I just played a game on my phone to pass the time until the bell rings.

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