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Zipora Pov:

I remember when I first saw Diego Gomez.

It was my first day at Bellmore High I was a freshman at the time who just turned 15 and Diego was a senior. 

He was the first guy I actually paid attention too,  I never really paid attention to any guys before because they usually did not find me "attractive".

Let me explain, at Bellmore High it is mostly Hispanic kids a few Black kids and a little bit of white kids here and there.

What does that have to do with guys not finding me attractive well... the guys at my school only like girls with light complexion, so that rules me out the attractive category to them.

Also the Hispanic guys at Bellmore only date in their race so that rules me out again and the Black guys do not want to date and I quote, "A girl darker then them". What kind of sense does that make. It should not matter if I'm "darker" than them, boys I swear.

So you see my problem, it is like a no win situation for me either way, so I was like forget it if they do not like me for my skin then they do not deserve me PERIOD.

Diego was different, something about him I was drawn too, I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's where I went wrong. If I couldn't figure it out I should've just left it alone but NO I couldn't get over that stupid crush.

"Sigh".... if only I knew then that it would be the biggest heartbreak of my life. 

Lets go back in time six years ago and see where it all began...

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