chapter 26

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Zipora Pov:

I set my alarm pretty early this morning. That way I can be prepared for when Katrina comes over to meet my parents. I'm not really nervous because I know that they will like her but there is also a chance that they will say no to the sleepover.

My parents aren't really overprotective of me but since I'm their only child they tend to be cautious about who I'm around.

Which in a way I get but it's kind of hard when they are working all the time and it's just me so it will be good if I get this chance to have my first sleepover.

I had set my alarm for 6:50 am, which would be plenty of time to get ready before Katrina comes over at 7:30. My mom had decided to cook breakfast this morning, which I'm happy about. Don't get me wrong I love me some cereal but nothing can compare to a good old fashioned breakfast in the morning.

Today I decided to wear my Aaliyah graphic t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, with some black converse. I wanted to keep it simple today, there is no need to get all dolled up for school, it's just not me. For my makeup I just did my eyebrows and eyelashes as usual.

By the time I leave my room it's 10 minutes till 7:30. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom putting the finishing touches on breakfast. She cooked a whole spread for us. She made bacon, sausage, French toast, grits, ham slices, Link sausages, and scrambled eggs with orange juice and coffee on the side.

My mouth starts watering from all the food in front of me. "Wow, Mom you really went all out."

She jumps when she hears my voice, "Geez Zipora, you scared me."

"Sorry Mom, I didn't mean to sneak up on you." I smile sheepishly

"It's fine honey and yes I wanted to make up for your father and I not being here yesterday for dinner. And also because your friend is coming over this morning." She says as she puts the finishing touches on the table.

" Mom, it's okay, I know you and Dad have to work so it's all good. Also thank you for cooking breakfast, Katrina loves to eat." I told her. She always worries that Dad and her are not doing enough but I know they are. I'm just grateful they still make an effort.

" You're welcome and I just want to make sure that you're doing okay."

I walk up to her giving her a big hug. We don't normally talk about our feelings so instead we usually hug to express how we are feeling.

I cuddle into her chest, "Love you mom."

"I love you too sweetheart." she says back.

Our moment is interrupted when Dad comes in giving both of us a bear hug. "Awww love you guys too." He says while putting kisses all over our faces.

I immediately started to make my way out of this bear hug he has trapped us in, "Come on Dad that's enough."

"What, you don't want my kisses." He puts a fake pout on his face, letting me go.

I wipe my face off, "One is fine, not multiple."

"Fine, your mother can have all my kisses then."

Before he can put his lips on hers the doorbell rings signaling that Katrina is here.

"You guys hold off on that while I get the door." I tell them practically racing to the door.

I'm a little nervous, Katrina is the first friend I ever had over and I just want everything to go as smooth as possible.

Opening up the door I'm greeted by Katrina's smiling face. "Good Morning chica."

I smile, greeting her back "Morning Kat."

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