Chapter 14

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Zipora POV:

As we walk through the halls looking for an empty classroom to eat our food at. My mind starts to wander to Diego, I can't help it.

I've never really had a crush before, most guys I encounter are either taken or they don't date black girls. It's so dumb because as soon as I say I wouldn't date them anyway they get all mad saying that I'm stuck up and all that so I never even bothered to like someone, but with Diego there is ... just something about him that makes me want to get to know him more. I know I should let this little crush sizzle down before it becomes something more and I definitely do not want Katrina to find out that I kind of like her cousin after she told me to stay away from him. I'll just try to occupy my mind with other things like school and maybe try out for a sport-

I stop my train of thought when I notice Katrina stop at an empty classroom, opening up the door and walking in.

Looks like we can finally eat now. When I look at the time it's 7:55 am, so we have about 10 minutes to eat our food before the bell rings.

Setting the food down at an empty table Katrina and I start to dig in right away.

"So we can just eat at any empty classroom," I ask Katrina as I take a sip of my orange juice.

She shakes her head "Yeah the teachers don't care as long as we clean up our mess." she replies.

Nodding my head at that, I finish off the last bit of my food.

"Dang chica you ate that quick and you didn't want to go to McDonalds," Katrina says laughing.

Smiling at her I swallow the rest of my food before replying, "What can I say I love food and plus the bell is going to ring in like five minutes, that gives me time to relax a little bit before Math class".

"I see your point but I'm going to take my sweet time, I'm in no rush to go to History class," she says rolling her eyes.

The reason why Katrina is not in a hurry is because she is partnered up with Sam Winter. Sam is this annoying jock who is on the wrestling team, he is always bragging about how he's the best and no one can compete with him. I heard he is actually pretty good at what he does but with all the bragging it just ruins his image to be honest. It also doesn't help that he has a huge crush on Katrina, every chance he gets he tries to get with her but every time she turns him down, he won't take a hint.

I grin at her "Yeah since Sam will be there waiting for you, with googly eyes," I tell her trying to hold in my laugh.

Katrina frowns with a disgusted look on her face "Ewww, he thinks he looks so cute when he does that but all that does is creep me out and makes me want to punch him in the face, I swear I'm like this close from telling Diego about him." She says pinching her index finger and thumb closely together.

I almost feel bad for Sam because if Diego has to talk to him then it's game over for him. From what Katrina tells me he is very protective of the ones he loves and from what I observed from him and witnessed I can tell he does not play when it comes down to Katrina.

I shiver at what he would do to Sam if he found out he was trying to get with Katrina "Wow, you would get Diego involved that says something."

"If I have to I will, I'm hoping that Sam will get the hint and see that I am not interested in him, because once I tell Diego it's a wrap for that chico blanco" she says snapping her fingers.

I just nod my head agreeing with her, Diego already gave me a talk and I would not want another one of those. My heart always starts to race when I think about that day.

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