Chapter 10

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Diego POV:

Walking up to my Uncle's office, I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Entra Diego," I hear him say.

I walk into his office looking around and seeing him standing next to the window looking out in the backyard while smoking his cigar.

I stand in front of his desk waiting for him to acknowledge my presence.

"Have a seat Diego,"  he tells me sitting down at his desk, putting out his cigar, finally facing me.

I do as I'm told and take a seat in front of him, waiting on what he has to say next. I can start to feel my anxiety build up, I'm usually good under pressure but when it comes to my Uncle I feel like a kid all over again.

" was your first day of school?" he asks me, making eye contact with me.

My Uncle has a thing about maintaining eye contact, he says it is very disrespectful if one does not look him in the eye when he is talking to them.

I look in his blue eyes that match mine, all the Gomez's in the family have blue eyes, it's like our signature trait.

"It was good Uncle, nothing to report." I told him.

He doesn't need to know about the encounter with Zipora, she's nothing I can't handle, I think smiling to myself eternally.

"Good Good, because if you can not even handle a high school, how can you handle the family business." He says to me crossing his hands in front of him.

I nodded my head, agreeing with him, "I would never do anything to disappoint you Uncle." He  smiles while nodding his head. "I know Diego..., you are like a son to me and I want you to succeed in life, that's why I have come to a decision."

I sit up straighter when he says that, my heart starts to beat a little bit faster.

" I will let you take over-" I start to smile "but not until you graduate high school". With that the smile disappears and I move back into my chair.

I shake my head not understanding, "But Uncle...I'm ready now," I tell him, not seeing the reason why I need to wait.

He sighs "I know...but I want you to finish high school so that way when you're done you can put all your focus on the family business." he says looking down.

He hesitates before continuing "I don't want you to be like your father," he says to me, shaking his head with a look of disappointment on his face.

I start to get upset at the mention of my father, " I will not end up like that man, he is a disgrace to the Gomez name." I grit out, I don't even want to say his name.

"Calm down hijo, you're not like him," he tells me, getting up and walking towards me.

Kneeling down in front of me, he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Look at me Diego". I turn my head to look down at him. "You are better than him, my brother was a coward that could not handle the responsibility given to him, he almost screwed up the whole family business and your life, you are more of a man then he ever was and will be." he says firmly.

My Uncle is not a man of many words but I know that when he says something he means it, he is more of a father to me than my own.

Nodding my head, "Gracias tío por todo, entiendo que debo esperar para tomar el relevo, quiero ser el mejor hombre que pueda ser para el negocio".

("Thank you Uncle for everything, I understand that I need to wait to take over, I want to be the best man I can be for the business.")

"Cuando quieras, hijo mío, sólo quiero lo mejor para ti." he tells me getting up from his position straightening his suit.

("Anytime my son , I just want the best for you.")

"So how was the shipment tonight, the boys should be done by now." he asks.

Looking down at my phone I see a text from Louis saying everything went well and they are on their way back.

I smile when reading the text, glad that it went well.  "Yes Uncle, everything went well and they are heading back now."

He smiles at hearing that, "Good good, you are doing well, I am proud of you."

"Thank you Uncle".

"Now let's go downstairs and get something to eat," He says, heading to the door, waiting for me to catch up.

I nod at him and get up from my seat.

I may not be taking over today but I'm glad I had this talk with my Uncle.

I may not be taking over today but I'm glad I had this talk with my Uncle

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