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After school, Jimin stayed in the school for a while to mark the student's homework.

He then went to the bakery to order a cake for Roseanne's birthday.

When he entered the bakery, he was shocked and froze for a few seconds before he continued walking in.

He saw Jennie at the counter and Jeongho sleeping on a chair.

Jennie, on the other side, was also shocked when she saw Jimin, but she quickly continued doing her things pretending like nothing happened.

"You work here?" Jimin went over.


"Do you come here after picking up Jeongho every day?"

"Yes," Jennie replied.

"Then since I know where you work I could help you bring Jeongho here after school every day."

Jennie didn't reply and thought about it for a while.

Jimin tried to persuade her, "It's not far from where I lived, if I helped you, it would be more convenient."

"Alright, I guess."

"Ok, then I'll order a cake."

"What designs do you want?"

"Can you help design? It's for my sister, the girl you saw the other day."

"Your sister?"


That girl was his sister? When Jennie heard it was his sister, she suddenly felt very excited.

"When do you need it?"

"This Saturday."


Jimin hesitated for a moment and then asked, "She's having a birthday party, can I invite you to come?"


Jimin nodded.

Jennie looked at him dumbstruck and replied softly, "Sure."

Jimin smiled happily and said, "Remember to dress up that day, I will go now."

Jimin waved at her and went in the direction of the door. While Jennie looked down shyly.

Suddenly as if remembering something, Jimin turned back.

"I still don't know your name yet."

Jennie looked up, "I'm Jennie."

Jimin pulled out his hand to shake with hers, "Hi Jennie, I'm Jimin."

Jennie took his hand and shook it.

Then Jimin waved again and left.

First step.

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