one-hundred nine;

412 17 6

Seoho stopped by in the early morning to let them know he would be going to get Hongjoong and be back later. Eunha was still asleep but the blonde vampire was gone when she woke.
None of them mentioned the soon arrival of the hybrid, wanting to surprise her. They planned for some to take her to the village and Hongjoong be there when she returned.
"Let's get you out of the castle today, fresh air would be good." Yunho suggested, hand patting her head.
     "That sounds nice. The people are friendly and I like the change of scenery." She smiled up at him and he leaned down, kissing her lips.
     "Wooyoung and San are coming with us, get ready we are leaving soon." She nodded in response and trudged away, earning a slap on the ass from the vampire.
     "Yunho!" She squealed, turning to face him. He gave her a wink while his teeth tugged on his bottom lip.
     "Hurry now, sweetheart." Eunha left the room and headed towards her own, grabbing her back and emptying out all its contents, hiding them in her draw.
     She was going to grab her mothers cloak but something told her she wouldn't need it, the weather was warm out. She left it in its place and left, meeting the taller vampire's out front.

Now Playing;
War of Hearts by Ruelle

     "Nice day for a walk, wouldn't you agree?" Eunha thought for a moment, remembering how far a walk it was last time, and she was on a horse.
     San read her mind. "Don't worry, darling. One of us will carry you if you get tired."
     She smiled at his response and nodded, beginning to follow them down the path. Yunho was leading them, shielding them from anything that would come their way.
Wooyoung trailed along behind him, making sure to annoy the tall one as much as he could. Eunha and San walked side by side, not uttering a word.
They didn't need to, their presences' were enough. Their strides grew closer until their hands were barely touching, and suddenly his hand met hers.
Finger laced together and two smiles resulted. Their hearts skipped a beat and the two vampires in front turned to them. "Hey, whatever you're doing back there, keep it mellow please."
She laughed at Wooyoung's comment, seeing his contagious smile. It grew quiet for a moment, she enjoyed it, as did they.
It stayed like that, until it wasn't peaceful anymore. There was a snap, then a thud. A loud crackling noise filled the air around them and Yunho fell to his knees.
"What the-"
An array of people dressed in black with shiny swords and bows in hand, ran from the brush.
A sword met Wooyoung's abdomen and he threw the man backwards, but another came from the back and impaled him again. Another shot was fired and an arrow hit Yunho in the back, more sizzling and crackling filled the air.
Hands grabbed her free arm and yanked her from San's grasp. He meant to reach out but a chain was wrapped around his neck, pain erupted from the contact and his skin began popping and burning.
He felt weak, dropping to his knees and watching the scene. His eyes frantically searched for her among the chaos.
Yunho was laying on the ground, two shiny gold arrows sticking out of him. Wooyoung was being mangled to the ground by multiple men. Then he saw her, she was being dragged away.
Eunha screamed in response to not being let go, throwing her leg backwards to stomp their ankle. The man fell to a knee and she whipped around, knocking him against a tree, face first.
She turned her attention to the other but before she could get them in her sights, something hit her hard in the head. All the noise around her ceased and her vision turned to slow motion.
Her body grew still before it collapsed, hitting the ground.
San watched it happen, seeing the blood pour down the front of her face, a large gash opening from the force of the large stone the man used. He watched him haul her over his shoulder and walk away from the scene. "No! Please!" The pain grew worse until he eventually passed out.

Seonghwa was standing by the window, eyes on the path they went down, waiting for them to reappear. "They just left. It will be awhile."
"I know, I just have this really bad feeling." Mingi and Jongho were seated on the sofa, both seemed in their own world. Yeosang was standing behind them, staring at the oldest.
"Yeah... me too." Neither could shake it off, but the other two were worried for different reasons.
"They're coming." Seonghwa turned his attention from the window to the youngest vampire.
"There's no way they're back already-"
"No. Someone else. They're almost here."
The oldest vampire left the room and went to the front door, only feet away and swung it open, hoping to get a look.
He was met with a double barreled shotgun in his face, along with a crossbow. The man holding the gun was the same man he seen with Eunha in the village that day. "I wouldn't make any quick movements, bullets are laced with gold. Unless you want me to blow your head all over that fucking wall."
Seonghwa gave the man, Hyunwoo, a deathly glare but chose to keep his head, feeling better the human wasn't here. "Go on now, join the rest." He pushed the barrel to his forehead and pushed him backwards, Seonghwa followed suit and slowly backed into the other room with the other three.
Yeosang stared at the scene, unsure of what to do. He seen more men fill the room with an assortment of weapons, all obviously laced with gold. "I'm liking my odds though. The four of us agains the lot of you. Do you want to test if your finger is faster than my speed and reflex?"
"I'm willing to risk it. Are you?" Hyunwoo gave a glance at the other vampires. "Don't leave your wife widowed."
Seonghwa laughed but he didn't think it was funny. "We'll see about that."
"We will. Tie them, the others should have taken care of the other group." Hyunwoo ordered a few, them doing as he said.
The mention of the others triggered him, lunging towards the hunter but he pulled the trigger, throwing the vampire back from the force.
A large hole burned its way into his flesh, the gold moving with gunpowder ate away at the skin and fabric. Seonghwa let out a loud yell, excruciating pain firing up his senses.
Yeosang watched in fear, two men stalked towards him and shoved him to the floor, placing him in gold cuffs. They burned his skin and he yelled in pain, lashing back against them.
Something about this situation he noticed was very wrong, the hunters bypassed the two seated on the couch. But they were now on their feet, stepping towards Hyunwoo, before turning to face him.
"Jongho.. Mingi.. what is this?"
"This is the only way to keep her safe." Hyunwoo burst out laughing at the look on Seonghwa and Yeosang's face.
"How's it feel? To have a lad betray you for your wife? Hm? I'm sure it doesn't feel too good. But neither does that nasty thing." Hyunwoo used the end of the gun to point at the wound.
"Why? We raised you.. both of you! We could have left you for dead!" Seonghwa screamed through the pain.
The men hauled Yeosang off the ground and towards the front door. "Put them in the wagons, don't let the gold leave their skin."
Jongho stared at the face of Seonghwa, no room for emotion or sorrow. Mingi couldn't meet his gaze, the guilt too much for him to bare. "I'll sacrifice you a thousand times to keep her safe."

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