sixty nine;

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Back at the castle, things seemed to go back to normal, for the most part. It was weeks after the ball; Eunha avoided San at all costs, and Hongjoong avoided her at all costs.
     Eunha was frustrated, she didn't understand why Hongjoong was being so distant, after he confessed his love, and knew she reciprocated those feelings. She didn't even get a glimpse of him the whole time, making it obvious he was avoiding her.
     After so long of the game she ended up playing, hide and seek with a hybrid, her attention went elsewhere.
     Yunho had paid her a few visits, which she enjoyed. Of all the vampires she lived with, none of them could put a smile on her face quite like he could. Given his tall appearance and seemingly destructive nature, he was the sweetest gentle giant, with a bright personality.
     Even Wooyoung dragged her out of her room a couple times, forcing her to give a few more of her tips for learning the ways of archery.
They decided to wait a while before continuing Jongho's training, since her body had endured enough with San and the help of their hybrid leader.
It took her a few days to regain her ability to walk with stumbling or her legs giving out, now she had a small limp from her bruised hip, and a few grey and purple areas on her wrists.
After spending many days cooped up in her room, she had enough and decided she was going for a stroll. She noticed the warmth in the air when she opened her window occasionally and realized spring was finally here.
Eunha opened her window to feel the still warm air before the sun set, and rushed to her wardrobe and began planning what to wear. She spent a while digging through and found a good pick, just searching for a cloak of some sort. At the bottom in the corner, was a folded cloth, a familiar material of black.
     She grabbed it and pulled it out of the wardrobe, finding the shoulder part, she let the fabrics fall to reveal a very familiar cloak. It was the one she wore the day she was exiled, the day she stumbled on the brood of vampires.
     Tears prickled behind her eyes, her throat felt like it was closing up. This was her mothers cloak, the one she gifted to her the following year.
     There were some tears from her frequent falling in the forest that day, but it still smelled just like her cottage, the only safe space she knew. The one she destroyed. She held it against her face and tears spilled on the fabric and soaked it in with the memories.
     The cloak wrapped around her, engulfing her in the safe haven she once knew before the dread and guilt set in. Eunha wiped her eyes and fixed her posture, leaving the room she had accustomed as her own, and down the maze of hallways to find the front doors.
     This was the time of evening when she understood that the others were off doing their own things; whether it be sleeping, hiding in their own spaces, or gods know what.
     She took it as perfect opportunity to slip out the doors, and trail down the side of the castle, towards the place Yeosang took her before. She remembered it well, her window gazed on that side of the forest, and from certain angles she could see it from her room.
     The sun was touching the trees, barely peeking from behind them. It shined through the leaves and branches, and caught her skin as she strolled down the path.
     The rushing water hit her ears and urged her on, picking up her pace to a slight jog. The pain in her hip stopped her jarring movements and she limped her way instead, cursing for possibly making it worse on her.
     Triumphantly, she made it and found a rock sitting by the waters edge. She sat with her back against it and watched the water glide off the cliff. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the relaxing sounds.
     Minutes, maybe hours passed before the normal sounds were disturbed by a twig snap. Her eyes opened immediately and revealed she had been there quit a while, the only light was shown through the trees and horizon. The sun peeked enough to display enough light for Eunha's eyes landed on a figure in the tree line.
     It was too dark to make out the face but she recognized the black hair, she prayed it was one of the immortals she had grown close with, coming to retrieve her.
      Her prayers were left unheard, and the figure drew closer, and her heart raced faster. She stayed frozen until the face became closer, and she was relieved.
     "I knew I'd find you here at some point." The voice calmed her, a small smile sent towards him.
     "Aren't you a little far from home?" Seoho gave her a soft chuckle before siting himself beside of her on the rock.
     "Maybe, but I can't help but check up on you. I got a little worried when I dropped by one day and all of your scents had faded. I feared the worst. But one day I saw Hongjoong roaming around, thankfully he didn't notice my presence and I followed him back." Eunha listened to his words, eyes locked with his. "I was relieved, to know you're okay."
      "You aren't afraid they will find out you're here?" She was indeed worried, knowing the gist of the treaty between them.
"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself." Seoho's lighthearted comment made her chuckle.
"You do that then, and I'll also take care of myself." The wolf gave her a playful look and slapped her arm, the action pushed the sleeve of her cloak up her arm and revealed the dark bruises.
     "You sure about that?" His movements were quick, grabbing the other sleeve and yanking it to reveal more bruises. "What are they doing to you? Are you afraid to say anything to keep you alive? I can get you out of here..."
     His last sentence was whispered, his eyes bleed with emotion, fear, but not for himself, for Eunha. She stood up and pulled the sleeves from his grasp. "No, it's not like that. They don't hurt me.. not in the way I want." Her cheeks blushed bright red, embarrassed from having to say it out loud. She didn't want to admit it, but she enjoyed the pain they would inflict on her.
     It was like they knew the exact way to make it pleasurable, or it could be her body so accustomed to pain that she just enjoys it.
     Seoho stood up as well, standing in front of her. "You can't be saying-"
     "Why are you here? And with her?" A voice behind them made the two turn. Seonghwa was standing only feet away, jaw clenched and the radiating presence of the devil himself. Eunha felt like she was caught doing a horrible act, wanting to stick her tail between her legs and walk back to Seonghwa. But she didn't, she wasn't going to let this situation get any worse and instead put herself in between the vampire and the wolf.
     Seoho wasn't having her put in a dangerous situation, placing himself in front of her and instead walked up to the vampire with clenched fists. "What the fuck?! You're going to break her! I saw the limp, and I saw the bruises, you can't be using your strength towards her body, you could kill her!" The wolf has the vampire by the collar of his shirt, Seonghwa seemed unfazed at first but then his expression went from smug to angered.
     The two were now face to face, baring their teeth at each other, snarling and growling.
     Fear filled her chest as she watched Seonghwa use his vampire speed to grab the arm attached to him before throwing it back in an uncomfortable manner and loud snap split in the air. 
     The wolf yelled loudly, trying to flee from the inflicting pain in his arm, but the vampire still held him close. "We mind our business when it comes to Geonhak's many 'mates', so you're going to mind your business about our mate. Speaking of which, he tried to rape after kidnapping her."
     Eunha ran towards Seonghwa and grabbed him, yelling at him. "Stop it! Leave him alone Seonghwa! He's done nothing wrong!"
     The vampire seemed to listen to her words, letting go of Seoho, who bolted backwards before tripping and falling to the ground, clutching his broken arm.
     Eunha let go of the vampire and went to run to the wolf's side, but a hand wrapped around her wrist and jerked her back. "No. We're going home."

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