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     It was cold, bitterly cold. Eunha had been walking in the cold and dark forest for hours, not even knowing if she's going in the right direction. Her face was chapped from the tears that kept pooling out of her eyes. She knew she deserved this punishment, it was all her doing. She befriended Soojin, she kept him hidden in her families barn, she trusted him, a vampire, and for that, her family was slaughtered, and she was exiled.
     Eunha should have just turned him in. "Aish, why are you so stupid..?" She silently pleaded that the cold would just take her, she didn't care about living anymore.
     Eunha stopped in her tracks, gazing upon the only other life in the forest she had seen, a man. Blonde hair, it was long enough for him to place in a small ponytail. He was crouched over something, she couldn't hear exactly what that noise was he was making, all that it sounded like gnawing, snarling.
     It took everything in her not to bolt far away from this strange scene, nothing about it felt right, it was all wrong. She took a step back, hoping not to make a sound and announce her presence. She was making good progress, slowly and carefully taking one quiet step back, making sure to steady her breathing, until her back hit something.
     Too soft to be a tree. "You can try to be quiet all you want, we can all hear your heart beat."
     Her eyes bulged out of her sockets, completely freezing in her place, now she was not only pressed against a strong and deep voiced presence, her eyes were locked with the man who was previously bent over, head tilted and facing her direction.
     Blood smeared on his face, his extra bloody tongue swiping his lips to lick up the excess. He had blood all over his face, her whole body ran cold, her eyes trailed down to the half eaten and mutilated body of a doe.
     Eunha gulped, looking around her to see not one, or two, but several men all dressed in clothing that definitely wasn't from this era; surrounding her, she didn't get an exact head count, but it was enough to make her want to run, no matter how much she knew she couldn't outrun them.
     She knew exactly what they were, vampires. The whole reason she is in this stupid forest to begin with. Her fear slowly turned to anger as her blood boiled, her face got hot as it stained red.
     The being behind her took a step back before looping around the front of her, making them face to face. This man was tall, very tall. Almost a whole foot taller than her. His hair was a pitch black.  "It's okay sweetheart.. we aren't going to hurt you~"
     With the last word leaving his mouth, she lunched to her right, running right between two of the shorter ones, but she couldn't get by fast enough. One grabbed her arm and yanked her into his chest, earning a yelp from Eunha.
     "No! Get away! I know what you are..." She didn't use much force, as she knew she couldn't beat any of them, but he still let her go, allowing her to gasp and fall down onto the snow covered ground.
     "And what exactly is that.. hm?" The man who had previously been chewing on deer meat, had now turned his full attention to Eunha, standing right in front of her.
     "You're... monsters.." Her voice left her, seeing just how close he was to her, how close all of them were. There was no way of getting out of here alive, she was gonna die, she was gonna be reunited with her family. "Please... just kill me already..." She looked down, tears slowly filling her vision. She couldn't take it anymore, she was hurting, she just wanted to hug her family and tell them how much she was sorry for betraying them, betraying the village.
     Her sob was cut short as a cold hand grabbed onto her chin, slowly tilting upwards to face them. Her eyes were met with a work of art; sharp jawline, shorter blonde hair, cold eyes. Once her eyes met his, she couldn't look away, it was like she was in a trance. "Oh darling, we aren't going to kill you... that wouldn't be very fun."  
     His smirk made her stomach sick. He tilted his head, looking into her eyes as if he was trying to find something. When he found what he was looking for, he smirked and stood up. "You know running won't help you here... but I think we all could use a little game. Go on... if you can get away from us then you're free to leave... but if we catch you..." His voice stopped with a deep chuckle, making chills run all over her body.
     Were they really gonna let her go just like that? Absolutely not, they were surely messing with her because there was no way she was outrunning all of them. Once he took a step back, he stepped to the side, as if showing her the way. Now that he was out view, she looked around and finally seen all of them, there were eight vampires surrounding her.
     Eunha didn't give the situation much else thought before she stood up, not even minding the snow caked onto the bum of her dress. "Hurry now.. ten... nine..."
Eunha took off in the opposite direction the blonde motioned for her to go, she didn't trust it. With her sudden movement, a clap of howls and growls sounded off behind her.
     Her heart immediately started pumping as the farther she got, the less she could hear him counting.
     When she could no longer hear the counting, the voice had made it to four. At this point she was counting in her head, and can only assume they are already hunting her.
     She didn't look to either of her sides, focusing on each foot in front of her so she didn't misstep and completely ruin her chances, as if she had any to begin with.
     Tears pricked at her eyes, while the cold air set them on fire.
     Eunha could hear them now, they were to her right, her left, and behind her. There was no way they were using their vampire speed, they would have already caught her, no they are actually playing this game.
     They are getting pleasure off just chasing her, knowing that she won't escape even if they give her many advantages.
     The heavy footsteps grew louder, heavier, they were right behind her. She tried to dodge them by running around trees, anything she could do to put distance between them. She could do this, she could get out of here.
     And that's when she saw it, the tree line, the brightness emitting from behind them, she was almost there. But the hand latching around her arm immediately stopped her, yanking her backwards into the tree beside him, causing her to hit the tree and all air leave her lungs.
     The arm was no longer on her forearm, but she was on the ground gasping for air. She rolled onto her stomach, still trying to drag any air she can with her as she slowly crawled to the tree line.
     No one stopped her as she pathetically crawled and gasped, they just watched her.
     Eunha finally made out of the forest into the open, she had done it, she made it, but once her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, it all came crashing down.
     Then the sounds of laughter burst from behind her, her heart sank as she stifled a sob from lack of air. She should have just gone the way the blonde vampire told her. Instead she went to opposite direction. "No... no no no!"
     "It's okay darling, we really aren't all that bad..."
     Eunha had recovered from her previous empty lungs, she got up and looked at all of them. "No, stay away from me.." the ear length black haired vampire that was the cause of her fits of coughing, stepped towards her, a smirk on his face. She noticed his bushy eyebrows and a small mole under his right eye.
     The human took a step back from her assailant, bumping into someone's chest. She screeched and whipped around, looking to see a tall, dark haired man, who just screamed intimidation.
     Arms wrapped around her front and brought her against someone else's chest. Eunha screamed at being such close proximity with not one but two murderous demons.
     The moment her eyes locked with the dark haired one, her body went limp and she couldn't move at all. She tried to wiggle out of his embrace but she wasn't going anywhere.
     The dark haired one grabbed her chin, and got closer to her face, his sharp eyes ripping through her soul, tearing everything apart. With a sudden motion, her head was yanked to the side and his nose was against the main artery, taking in a deep inhale. "Doesn't she just smell delicious Hwa.."
     A low growl emitted from the bottom of his throat, making her jump as he let go and took his eyes away from her. She then started struggling in his grip when she was free of that one's mind. "Let me go!!"
     Her request was granted as she was thrown back onto the snow covered ground. "You're wish is my command, princess.."
     "Why? Why are you doing this?"
     "Your village is the only food source around but we aren't stupid enough to go there and get ourselves caught. Every once in a while someone stumbles into the forest for us to eat but most of the time we feed off animals."
     "So then why not just kill me.." The blonde with a bloody face smirked at her.
     "We've become too weak, we need a constant food source."

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