one-hundred four;

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Eunha isn't sure when she fell asleep, her last memory was the vampire pressed against her, holding her in his arms. She woke up to the blinding light of the sun shining in.
She was wrapped in the silk sheets, still bare. Her body felt stiff and sore, rolling over to find the vampire gone.
     A smile grew on her lips, mind lingering to yesterday. It worked, he finally opened up to her. She didn't get the three words she hoped for, but it was a start.
     Eunha sat up, whining from the aching in her muscles. Her eyes caught the bedside table, finding a note and her ring. She picked it up, finding it intact before picking up the note.

I'm sorry for being an asshole.
Forgive me?
- Sannie

Her smile grew even larger. The pen was still sitting on the table, she grabbed it and wrote under his words.

I forgive you.
- Eunha

She placed it back on the table, sliding the ring on her finger. Getting up was a struggle because of the stiffness, but she managed.
San didn't have any clothing that would fit her, so she resorted to wearing the smallest articles she could find.
After she was dressed, the mortal left San's room and traveled her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass and filled it with water, gulping it down and soothing her hoarse and dry throat.
Eunha put the glass away after she washed it, going to leave the room but she found a blonde vampire entering.
It felt awkward because the last time they seen each other, he found out she had married his hyung. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed her.
Their eyes met and she bit her lip. Yeosang dropped his gaze to the ring and she seen his jaw clench. "You know.. I don't want to just marry Seonghwa.. I want to marry all of you."
Her words seemed to calm the vampire down and he looked down in shame. "I'm sorry, for freaking out."
"It's okay, I'm not mad at you. As long as you aren't mad at me?" She tried a small smile and he caught her eyes again.
"I'd never be mad at you, you're my Goddess." She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his torso.
"I could never be mad at you either."

Now Playing;
Agora Hills by Doja Cat

Eunha couldn't be more happy, everything seemed to smooth over and work out. For the first time in a while, she felt truly happy, no stress.
She decided to make a trip to the garden, wanting to see all the beautiful colors and smell all the wonderful scents of the flowers.
Mingi was already there, tending to everything. He already sensed her presence. "Hello, love."
He turned and was met with her big smile, dimples showing. It made his heart stop completely, he couldn't stop himself from smiling back.
"Hi, what are you up to?" She stepped closer, peering around his arm.
There were a few wilted flowers behind him, but most were bright and lively. "Staring at the most beautiful creature on the planet."
Eunha scoffed and slapped his arm. "I'm a creature now?"
"Yeah, gnarly little thing. Feisty and rabid." Mingi replied with a straight face but couldn't keep it and busted out laughing.
"Yah! That's so mean!" She faked a pout, trying to hold back the laugh that creeped up her chest.
"You're still beautiful, and I like that you're a creature." Eunha burst out into a pit of laughs, the taller vampire following suit.
"Why do you keep calling me a creature?!"
"Because you are one!"
The two calmed down from their laughs and stared at each other. His hand came forward and touched her cheek, swiping his thumb slowly across the skin.
"My beautiful creature."
Eunha didn't retort back this time, accepting his words. She instead smiled back at him, leaning into his palm.
"So how did you and Seonghwa get married exactly?" The question was random and immediately made her suspicious.
"It was just spur of the moment, he got down on one knee asked me and I said yes. We didn't need anyone to finalize it because it's not like it will matter anyway. If I'm marrying all of you, it can't be public record." Eunha explained, and he nodded in response. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason." His hand left her cheek and stepped back, turning his attention towards the plants. "Can you help me with something?"
"Of course, what do you need?"
"Go over there and pick the dead leaves off, it keeps the stems from rotting." He gave her a glance towards the section he meant.
Eunha nodded, happily doing so. She was busy for the next ten minutes while Mingi searched for the perfect rose, getting rid off all its thorns.
Once it was free of them, he quietly walked towards her. She didn't seem to notice him, so he cleared his throat.
She turned to face him and found the rose extended out to her. "Marry me?"
Her eyes widened, staring back at the dethroned rose then back to his very serious face. Her suspensions were correct.
"Of course I will marry you." She took the rose from his hand and placed it under her nose, taking in the beautiful smell.
Mingi grinned ear to ear, engulfing her in his arms and twirling her around in circles. "You just made me the happiest vampire in the world."

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