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"Hey, I found them- what're you two doing?!"
Eunha shot up from her spot, still half asleep. "They took what from the kitchen, huh?" Eunha didn't realize what was going on or what she even just said, her dream state leaving her completely.
Mingi raised up as well, growling at the older, blonde vampire. "We were asleep, until you rudely awakened us."
San rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Didn't look or smell like you were just sleeping."
Mingi was about to reply but Eunha did first. "Just because he's horny doesn't mean I am, I was sleeping peacefully."
He scoffed and gave her a look, eyes flicking to the dark headed vampire who stood up, stretching. He looked down to see it was obvious. "He surely was."
The blonde vampire disappeared from the doorway, a dark haired vampire replacing him moments later. "Remember what we talked about the other night? Well I got it."
Eunha's eyes lit up as she jumped out of bed, running to meet the side of Wooyoung, grabbing his arm. "Lead the way!"
Mingi watched the two walk away, smiling as they did so before looking down at the floor. He walked over to his desk, picking up the book. The same book Eunha found her first night.

     "I know what I'm doing!" Eunha smacked Wooyoung's hand away, making him frown at her. Eunha grabbed the giant knife Wooyoung went for, holding it in her palm as she inspected the sharp blade.
     She made work of the hog swinging in front of her, removing the layers of skin before cutting off the good parts and throwing the bad to the side. "What do you do with the left over scraps?"
     "Hongjoong should be back in a couple days, he usually comes back still in wolf form so we like to feed him things like that." Seonghwa walked into the room, causing them to look his way. He picked up the discarded meat and threw it into a wooden bowl, setting it off to the side. "You can put it in here."
      "What does he... do out there?" Eunha asked, continuing to strip the carcass. She glanced at Wooyoung for a moment, seeing Seonghwa walk behind her from her peripheral.
     Wooyoung gave a look to Seonghwa, who did the same. "I'm not sure you want to know."
     Eunha decided to push instead of leaving it like she normally would. "Does he just run around for those days, or does he actually.. seek out..?" Eunha didn't finish the last word, pausing her movements to turn her head and look at the shorter vampire.
     "You could say that.." He trailed off, not entirely sure she wanted him to continue.
     Another blonde vampire entered the room, providing his own input. "You'll find out next time." Eunha glared at San who approached her, admiring her work. "Look at you, you can do something useful."
     Eunha smiled at him, holding up the sharp object towards his direction. "You wanna go next?"
     San touched to tip of the blade with his finger, giving her the same sarcastic smile. "You know it, darling." Eunha moved the knife down swiftly, slicing his finger and halfway down his palm, making the vampire jump back in surprise. The blonde vampire looked at the cut, gritting his teeth before lunching towards the human.
She didn't flinch, instead letting her reflexes do the work, bringing the blade to his jugular, watching the blonde vampire glare at her with teeth bared.
"Careful now San," Seonghwa warned the blonde vampire, motioning with his head for him to leave. San gave the older vampire a glance, disappearing seconds later.
Eunha returned her attention back to the carcass, scoffing under her breath. "Has he always had a stick up his ass? Or is it just while I've been here?"
Wooyoung laughed at her question, letting Seonghwa answer. "At first, he was trying to act all big and bad. Now he's just mad you're not scared of him."
She gave another glance to the door San left from. "He better be."

After dinner, Eunha found herself sitting outside in the garden, taking in the cold night air. She clutched her cape around her body, taking in the body heat. The moon shined bright, creeping closer to the half moon. Eunha watched the stars twinkle in the sky, listening to the night life.
Her head jerked to the right when a twig snapped, behind the hedges that led towards the side of the castle. Eunha stood up and made her way, slowly, to the sound.
Eunha turned the corner where the hedge ended, spotting a dark, wolf-like figure standing in the grass, staring at her. She froze in her spot, breath catching in her throat. The wolf made its way towards her, as it got closer the size almost comforted her.
The wolf was large, larger than a normal grey wolf, and it was solid black. Eunha recognized it, on that rainy day. It was Hongjoong. Eunha didn't move, letting him approach her. His head came to her chest, barely having to crane it to look up at her.
She slowly brought her hand out, letting the wolf, Hongjoong, rub his head against her palm. Eunha felt the soft, yet almost coarse, fur under her fingertips. The wolf let out a soft purr, sharp eyes closing.
The black fur under her touch transformed into blonde strands between her fingers. Her hand fell to her side as the hybrid stood and towered over her, body completely bare and dirtied.
Compared to the others, Hongjoong was among the shortest, but he was very tall standing in front of her.
Her mind shifted back to the words he spoke in the rain, before she got sick, before he left for a week. "I missed you."
She watched his eyes soften at her words, bringing a hand up to her cheek and caressing it. His hair was slightly matted, but looked untouched, perfect. "I missed you too."
     Eunha wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. The hybrid immediately placed his hands on her hips, reciprocating the kiss.
     There was no rough movements, his lips were gentle against hers, slow. She smiled into the kiss, pulling away to look at his face, but the hybrid pulled her back into the kiss.
     "Yah! Are we going to have a repeat of last time she stood out in the cold?!"

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