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     "I'm still very confused. Mingi said he tasted me before but from what I can recall, he never did. Which reminds me, my neck was completely fine after four vampires fed off of me, Jongho I know did a lot of damage. Also Seonghwa paralyzed me with his eyes, how did he do that?" Yeosang was bombarded with questions from Eunha all in one breath, especially since he had never heard her say one complete sentence since she'd been here, even while they had been chatting for a few hours.
     "First of all, slow down. To answer both your questions; it's what you would call our heightened power." Yeosang explained, sitting crisscrossed in front of her.
     "But don't you all already have heightened senses and shit? And how does that have anything to do with Mingi?" Eunha blurted out, earning a look from the God-like figure, making her cover her mouth. "Sorry.. didn't mean to interrupt you, I'll be quiet."
     Yeosang giggled at her cute remark, causing Eunha's heart to flutter. "All of our senses are ridiculously heightened, yes. But as a vampire gets older, they start to get their own aptitude, meaning it comes natural to them. We call it our flair. For instance, mine is mind control. Like earlier, I was able to make you see an environment that wasn't anywhere near you." Yeosang stopped for a second, giving her time to ask a question if she needed, when she didn't he continued.
     "As cool as it is to have a flair and all, it always comes with a downside, a restriction. Mine is I can only control your mind if I'm looking in your eyes, or if I'm physically touching you. Seonghwa is the same way, we call his paralysis inducement. Where mine is mind control, his is basically body control, but it's more of paralysis rather than physical movement." Yeosang paused again, looking at Eunha for any questions, this time she chimed in.  
     "Sorry but, I'm still confused how this is gonna answer my Mingi question." Eunha replied, immediately wishing she should have bit her tongue.
     "Just give me a minute, I'll get there." Yeosang deadpanned. Eunha made the motion of zipping her lips.
     "San can read your mind, but he can only do so if he looks into your eyes. Wooyoung is incredibly fast, faster than all of us combined, but his hunger and stamina runs out faster, so even though Jongho is the youngest and needs blood more frequently, Wooyoung will need to feed more often. Yunho can use all of his senses at once, but it drains him easily if he overdoes it." Yeosang paused again, giving Eunha time to process, continuing when she gave him a nod.
     "Jongho is a little different, being the youngest and all he hasn't gotten his flair yet, so for now he has incredible strength with little to no control for the time being."
"Although I think all of our flairs are pretty useful, Mingi's is possibly my favorite of everyone's. We wouldn't consider it healing, it's more of restoration, maybe reconstructive. He can turn any plant from withering and dying to bright and lively just from the touch of his fingertip, you might even say he has a green thumb." They both giggled at his side joke. "But when it comes to flesh, his saliva is the rehabilitation."
     "Meaning.. what exactly?" Eunha kind of already got what Yeosang was meaning, but she wanted to hear him say it, to make sure she was getting this all correct.
     "Meaning he has to lick or spit on you to heal you." Yeosang smiled at her, knowing damn well she knew what he meant but if she wanted him to say it he would. "Now to answer your question finally, no matter how much of a shithead Wooyoung is, he had Mingi fix your neck before he had his turn."
Eunha's face grew bright red, that's why her neck was completely fine after Jongho's feeding, and why there was only one set of fang marks after San, Mingi healed them. "That makes so much sense now.."
"Underneath all of that tough vampire exterior, most of us still possess our human emotions and sometimes sympathy is one of them. It's really the only thing holding us from becoming the pure evil we're destined to be." Yeosang paused. "Now that leads us to the last person."
She racked through her brain, there was one final vampire left to talk about. "Hongjoong wasn't given a flair because he technically already had one once he was turned. He was born with the ability to shape shift between his human and his wolf form. The downside to his flair, he doesn't have control during the full moon. I've only known him for a little over half of his vampire years to know he has come a long way with controlling himself on a night that wasn't a full moon." Yeosang didn't want to continue in fear of frightening her, he had seen Hongjoong on a full moon, and it was madness.
Hongjoong's werewolf side having little control, and his vampire side having little control wasn't a very fun sight to see, especially not on a full moon. "One more thing I should probably mention.." Yeosang trailed off, fiddling with his fingers before looking at Eunha who was already looking back at him curiously.
    "You know how mammals, wolves specifically, go into heats? It's like a human female with her period, but it affects both male and female wolves." Eunha nodded, not liking where this was headed.
    "Well... the same thing kind of happens to Hongjoong, but it's what we call a rut. Basically a week out of every month he will go on a crazy sex spree where he wants to hump and fuck everything. So... just be careful. He has no mercy." Yeosang replied.
     "Why are you making it seem like that?" Eunha huffed, her face slightly warming up. "I'm not interested in sleeping with any of you, I've already done it with a vampire once, I don't plan on doing it eight more times."
Yeosang looked at her wide-eyed, not believing the words that rolled out of her mouth. "What, wait? You've slept with a vampire?" Yeosang couldn't believe the innocent girl in front of him wasn't as innocent as he presumed. Eunha sighed, not exactly ready to talk about this, but she needs to get it off her chest somehow.
"It's partially the reason I was kicked from my village. No one knew we had been together, but I did hide him, that much they knew. He led me to believe I could trust him, I should have never trusted him. He slaughtered my family and while they were dragging him away to be beheaded, he told them I had been hiding him. After his execution, they threw me out into exile, I'm never allowed back or I'll be killed on spot." Eunha explained, finally putting into words what she had went through just days ago.
"I'm so sorry, Eunha. Vampires are evil but he was just down right cruel. I'm so sorry you had to experience that kind of suffering." Yeosang grabbed her hand, and she let him, cold fingers lacing with her warm ones. "I know this isn't much coming from me, but if I ever earned your trust, I wouldn't break it like that. I can't say the same for the others but they would never go above and beyond to gain your trust, only for their sole purpose to break it. They all have their rough edges, but I'm sure you'll get used to it, and I know you don't want to be trapped here being our blood bag. But I think you're pretty cool, for a human." Yeosang finished off his speech with a light joke.
"Yah? For a human?" Eunha tried to look offended but she couldn't hold back the laugh. "You're right, it's not really what I would consider as my cup of tea. But you've made me feel welcome out of all of them, and I want to thank you for that. You treated me more than just a walking blood bag."
Yeosang couldn't help but smile but she continued. "And the others will have to do a lot of buttering up before I can say the same about them."
"Okay, they can't be that bad. You haven't even met the other three." Eunha gave him a look of 'oh really'. "Okay I take that back, Jongho is still learning how to control his frenzy and we've all been a lot of help to him. The others are just a bunch of men; horny fucks."
She laughed at his response, using one hand to cover her mouth.
Thanks to Yeosang, Eunha could actually relax in the dark and cold, lifeless place. He took the time to care about her needs, answer her questions and curiosities, and even a hand to hold while going through tough memories. Eunha now knew all of the vampires names and flairs. She didn't quite trust Yeosang but he definitely wasn't the worst vampire in here to hang around, if anything he was the one she felt most comfortable with. "Thank you, Yeosang. You're the only one to truly show me kindness here."
"Oh, don't mention it. And hey, give the others some time to get used to you. I swear, they won't always see you as food."

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