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Wooyoung burst out into laughter, immediately swatting his hands on Mingi, the taller vampire seated next to him. Mingi also joined in on his cackling, knees hitting the table and causing it to rattle.
     San was staring at Eunha with that same knowing smirk, except with full victory. He didn't even care about the vampire sitting next to him that was sending daggers with his eyes.
Jongho stared at the two vampires sitting across him, straight face, almost a hint of agitation and confusion. Yunho sat beside him silently as well, eyes flipping between San, Seonghwa, and Eunha. His eyes caught a glimpse of their captain, teeth gritting and grip on the metal fork was enough to bend it in the shape of his closed palm.
Eunha also noticed, eyes looking up at his face to find him glaring at Seonghwa. Not a second later he stood up, fork flying out of his hand and landing in the wall. He was gone before it penetrated the wood.
She turned her gaze back to San who was no longer looking at her, but instead at the vampire next to him, Seonghwa. "You just love to cause drama, don't you?"
Eunha about fell out of her chair, all she could do was sit there and stare at Seonghwa. Not until now had she heard him speak a word, after she had been here weeks, not a single sound from the brooding vampire. His voice wasn't what she had imagined, it was on the deep side. But not as deep as Yeosang or Mingi. While their's were raspy, Seonghwa's was soft and smooth. It was closest to Yunho's but without the raspiness.
San smiled at his older brother. "It's what keeps me going. Now, if you're gonna fuck her, you need to do it fast. Now that I've riled up Joong, won't be long before he tries first."
"I'm so sick of your shit! Mind your own goddamn business and maybe you would get laid!" Eunha stood up and stormed out of the room, leaving the vampires to themselves.
     Seonghwa growled at the vampire sitting next to him, Yeosang came back into the room with two bottles of gin to find Hongjoong and Eunha missing. Wooyoung and Mingi were laughing their asses off, almost falling out of the table chairs, while Seonghwa and San were having the ultimate stare down. "What did I miss?"
      "Why don't you tell him, Seonghwa?" San spoke, gaze not moving from the oldest vampire. Seonghwa gave him a low growl and didn't open his mouth. "Fine, I'll tell him. Seonghwa here, visited Eunha on her first menstrual night and fed in secret."
     Yeosang didn't even realize he lost grip on the bottles until he heard them shatter against the ground. The two vampire who were previously laughing went completely silent, gaze shooting towards the standing vampire, noticing he had shattered one with his hand, the other falling to the ground. Yeosang gripped the pieces of glass in his hand and walked over the table, sitting down and grabbing the remaining bottle before putting it to his lips.
     Blood smeared all over the clear glass, dripping down onto the white cloth sheet. "Yeosang-"
     Said vampire finished the bottle and threw it, it clashed with the wall and shattered, tiny pieces of broken glass hit the floor and no one else said a word.
     Seonghwa had enough of the tension and got up from the table, disappearing. "San."
     Yeosang stared at the younger vampire, jaw slightly clenched. "Your need to cause problems is really starting to get old."
     San hummed and twirled his glass of wine. "Not my fault you all decided to pine after a mortal."

     Eunha sat on her bed, book in hand. She had a book Yeosang recommended to her, enjoying the adventure and mystery. The room was quiet and she was engulfed in the storyline, but the door suddenly opening and slamming shut pulled her out of the imaginative state and she jolted in her spot. She looked up to see a blonde hybrid locking the door behind him. "Hongjoong-"
     "Don't say anything, baby girl. Your mouth might piss me off more than I already am." Hongjoong spoke with a stern tone, facial features and posture s radiation seriousness. He didn't move from his spot, just standing there staring at her intently. Eunha took his words into consideration and kept her mouth shut, sitting awkwardly, waiting for something to happen.
     "We've talked about this sort of thing before, sharing. But never had a serious conversation about it, especially since you came along. I guess it's only fair what Seonghwa did, no one has claimed you yet." Hongjoong spoke with ease, beginning to pave back and forth.
     "Why do all of you keep talking like I'm some object you all can pass around as you please?! At least Seonghwa is doing instead of saying." Eunha couldn't hold back the words that left her mouth.
     Hongjoong seemed unfazed, looking at her with wandering eyes, slowly stepping towards her bed. She watched him the whole time, heart beat getting faster the closer he became. She knew he either didn't care about her words, or he was crazy enough to hide his anger before he snaps her neck.
     He knelt over the end of her bed, hands wrapping around her ankles and yanking her closer. The book she was holding on her chest was thrown to the side and her hands grasped the sheets, a squeal coming from her mouth. Her legs were now hanging off the bed, at each side of his hips.
     Hongjoong leaned over her, hands placing on each side of her head. "Let's get one thing clear, baby girl. The only reason I haven't fucked your brains out for days is because I'm doing you a favor... Seonghwa is the kind to go after what he wants... but me on the other hand. I like to play with my food a little.. push it to its edge until it's begging me to get it over with.. you're gonna come crawling, or jumping into my arms begging me. That's when I'll have you.."

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