eighty two;

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     "I brought this for her to wear," The hybrid turned to the doorway and noticed the blonde vampire. He raised an eyebrow at the action, standing up and grabbing it.
     "Thanks... so-"
     San interrupted him. "It was Jongho's idea, not mine."
     "Jongho, sent you with this for her?" The hybrid was even more confused by the situation.
     "Yeah, I was just as confused. He seems to be doing well, but I'm keeping him there." He nodded in response, noticing the vampires lingering eyes on the human.
     "You can ask how she is doing. It's just the two of us."
     "I know she's okay, probably traumatized. But she's strong, strong for a human." San watched her sleeping form, memory flashing back to earlier this morning. Watching her get attacked was far worse than just seeing the injuries. "Is that how you felt, when you seen me almost kill her that night?"
     "I'm not sure, how did you feel?"
     "My chest hurting. But deep in my chest. It's hard to explain-"
      This time the hybrid cut him off. "Yes." San looked at him. "It was similar to the feeling I had the day when Seonghwa sacrificed himself for me."
     "I see.." The two trailed off into space, both gazed on her. "Seonghwa almost killed them."
     "Yeah, I figured. He never had liked them other than me." Hongjoong laughed dryly.
     It got quiet again, neither spoke up this time. San didn't express the anger he felt along side Seonghwa. He didn't want to hold him back, but the last thing they need is a war.
"Any ideas of who was here?" San watched the perplexed hybrid.
"No, they obviously have a vendetta against the pack." Hongjoong answered, sitting back in the chair before letting out a deep sigh. "They're leaving tonight, Seoho is staying here to keep watch of the territory. I don't feel right letting him stay here alone, I know you're going to hate this.."
"You didn't.." The vampire gritted his teeth, hand against the door frame made it crunch under his grip.
"I told him there is a guest room he can use."
"You have to be fucking kidding-"
"I don't want to hear it, the decision is made." San growled at his leader, storming out of the cabin. Hongjoong placed his face in his hands, letting another sigh roll out.
After a moment, he uncovered his eyes to watch her again, chin resting in his hands. He stood up and left the room, stepping out of the already left open door, sitting on the ground.
Seonghwa was standing in front of him in seconds. "Are you out of your mind?!" The hybrid stared at his second in command, listening to him rant. "Oh, that's right. You are! You can't possibly be sane to let one do those mutts near her!"
The hybrid stood up, still not matching the towering vampire. "We do well as a group because there are numbers, same goes for their pack. He's helpless alone, especially if there are the possibility of hunters."
"You're giving him a room!" The vampire's eyes shined red, anger overflowing in the way he heaved unnecessary breaths.
"I'm not fucking stupid, he will be staying in the guest room on the opposite side of her room. If necessary, she can stay with one of us." The hybrid stepped closer, a sign of dominance. The vampire gave a step back, understanding the warning. "We're helping him, that's all."

Eunha woke a few hours before dusk, just in time to catch the news of everything that had happened. Geonhak was injured by wolfsbane, causing him to attack her. That's why Seoho and Zero left her alone.
Mingi had to tell her, she wouldn't let Hongjoong talk to her. Although she knew it was all Zero the other night, and he was nowhere to be seen at the moment, she couldn't shake off Hongjoong's behavior before Zero showed up.
She knew it was urged on by Zero, but Hongjoong had a mind of his own, and could make decisions without the influence of his words. She didn't want to be mad at him, but she couldn't get the image of his actions towards Wooyoung for his simple mistake.
She knew Hongjoong could shut down the hybrid part of him for a while, he just refused to do it unless necessary. He struggled with himself because of that part of him. It's not that she didn't like the hybrid part of him; Zero.
It was evident he cared for her too, but in a far more aggressive manner. Hongjoong had his rough edges when it came to her, but he lit a fire in her like no one else. She could feel it with Zero too, but she needed time to get used to his mannerisms.
Her mind lingered back to that night with San and Hongjoong. She couldn't deny she didn't love how they treated her, what they did to her, how they made her feel. She was told that San basically taunted him into joining, and his hybrid gave in immediately and urged him to do it.
She wanted him, she wanted him to fully desire her in the moment. She wanted him to make it his decision to have her, not with the help of the devil in his head.
The human groaned, rolling over from facing the wall, finding a vampire sitting in the chair. She gasped and jumped up, startled by his presence. "You scared me.."
"I'm sorry," Mingi apologized, reaching over to grab her hand. "How are you feeling? I came back to check in on you but I didn't want to startle you, you seemed very deep in thought."
"It's okay, I'm just processing everything that has happened in the last day." The vampire nodded at her response. "And I feel sore, but nothing else. I feel fine actually."
"Good, but you lost a lot of blood. Make sure to eat again, and drink plenty of water." She nodded at her nurse, rolling her eyes at his intensive care.
"I will." He smiled at her and stood up, letting her hand fall into her lap. "I should get going, we're going to see them out of the territory when the sun sets."
"Of course, be careful." The vampire left her alone, making her worry return to the injured wolf. She frowned, worry growing more and more. Wolfsbane is very lethal to them, and without the right combination of ingredients, there is no hope.
Geonhak may have done horrible things to her in the past, but upon learning the wolf struggled with his second half more than the hybrid, made her pity grow. Not for his wolf, but the human trapped under the beast. Neither deserved to die, and if it was too late, he didn't deserve to die not knowing she didn't hated him.
The human sneaked out of the cabin, following the voices and small glow of the cottage in the distance. She sneaked around the back of the cottage, making sure all were too occupied to notice her presence. She knew they wouldn't let her anywhere close to him but she had to do this.
Luckily no one was in the cottage, except for the ill wolf. She opened to door to his room, flashbacks of previous events in the room racked her brain but she pushed them away, seeing the wolf sitting slightly upright in the corner wall of the bed, awake.
She cautiously entered the room, awaiting the anger from the wolf but it never came. "You shouldn't be in here.." His voice was weak, still deep, but softer. This was not the person she had met before.
"I came to say something.." She took another step into the room, knowing the wolf was too weak to do anything but was still cautious.
"You don't.. I already know..." His normal tan skin was pale, almost the tone vampires wore.
"You can't control what your wolf-"
"Leedo.. his name is Leedo." He looked down at the bed. "He's not been very kind to you. And I'm sorry I couldn't stop him."
"I came to say, I don't hate you. I hate.. Leedo. But not you." The man looked back up at her, curiosity and a sliver of hope filling his eyes. "If something were to happen, and you don't come back.. I can't let you go thinking I hate you."
"Thank you.. for your kindness." The man grew weaker by the minute, dozing off into a restless sleep. Eunha exited the room, the weight in her chest finally gone.
She was immediately pressed up against the wall, making her panic. "What the fuck are you doing?"

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