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Eunha slept from the time the sun came up to the sun going down, Yunho came to Yeosang's several times, each getting shooed away by the younger vampire, hell bent on letting her sleep until she was rested enough.
Each time Yunho left empty handed, the more he grew impatient. The fourth time he showed up, Yeosang had just given Eunha some water and bread. "Okay you impatient man child, she's all yours."
She wanted to laugh at Yeosang's comment but at the same time she gave him pleading eyes, silently asking him to save her from the giant. Yeosang gave her a look of sorrow as Yunho dragged her away. Even with the impatience behind his actions, Yeosang knew that if he could trust anyone of the boys with Eunha, it was Yunho.

Yunho picked her up, sitting her on his large vanity, he pushed his way through her hips and her squeal. His hand came up to grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back all the way.
He had full view of her neck, licking his lips, attacking the stretched skin, kissing and nipping with his human canines.
Yunho was way bigger than her, they both knew one wrong move and he could severely hurt her. Luckily, Yunho was very good at holding in his frenzy side, only focusing on pleasuring himself and the human, Yeosang knew that, but Eunha didn't.
Eunha whimpered when he got close to her sweet spot, causing a smirk from the vampire. He lips trailed back to the suspected place, giving it a nip. She gasped at his attack. Yunho sank his fangs into the sweet spot, causing her to start to fall backwards towards the mirror. He grabbed the back of her neck, keeping her positioned where she was. She writhed against his body.
The tall vampire used his other hand to grab her knee, softly moaning against her neck.
Eunha used her hands to steady herself with his shoulders, that white, hot pleasure she had felt so many times already, but it was like they were all different in their own way.
His grip got stronger, continuing to suck on her sweet nectar.
When another orgasm ripped through her, she allowed herself to fall limp in his hold, leaning up against his strong muscles.
      Yunho was satisfied with himself as he unlatched from her neck, grabbing her face gently and pulling her to look at him. "You really do taste as good as you smell." Then he did something she didn't expect, pick her up and move her to his bed. "Seonghwa can wait a little longer before he can have you."
     Eunha's eyes widened as she scrambled to sit up and pull her dress down. "Oh? You thought I meant that? Oh no sweetheart, I'm not gonna touch you that way till you're begging me for it."
     Eunha's confidence boosted slightly, enough for her to speak up. "Well don't wait up on that." She scowled at him, causing him to let out a laugh.
     "Oh we'll just have to see then."

     "I hate to cut our conversation short but I better get you to Seonghwa or he'll bite both our heads off." Yunho sighed, standing up and heading towards the door. He caught her hand and gently pulled her with him, almost causing her to stumble. Eunha wasn't ready for what was about to occur, she generally enjoyed sitting and talking to Yunho, he actually seemed easy to talk to like Yeosang.
     The vampire walked through the maze of halls, slowly leading her to the quiet vampires' lair. They couldn't have gotten their soon enough in her opinion. Yunho knocked on his hyungs' door, awaiting for it to be opened.
     Eunha's palm started sweating the longer they stood there and with Yunho's hand being freezing cold, he noticed. "He must be out and about, I'll just leave you in his room, but I wouldn't snoop around or anything. He probably wouldn't like that."
     Yunho closed the door behind her, leaving her alone in an unfamiliar place once again. She decided to take Yunho's advice and not snoop around like she did in Mingi's room, instead placing herself in a chair near the bed, patiently waiting for the vampire to make his appearance.

     Eunha was too deep in her thoughts to hear the door open, or maybe it was just how fast and silent these vampires were.
     There he stood, face emotionless. The one who could paralyze her with just his eyes; Seonghwa. Eunha couldn't help but admit she was more scared of him than Jongho. He wasn't as tall as Yunho, but by gods he was way more terrifying.
     She caught his gaze, causing her to freeze instantly. Seonghwa didn't say a word to her as he slowly stalked towards her, his hand reaching for her face. Two fingers and his gaze were all it took for him to slowly lift her out of the chair she had been sitting in. Once she was standing in front of him, Seonghwa grabbed her shoulders and slowly turned her around to face away. Even when her eyes weren't locked with his, she remembered Yeosang telling her he can control her by his touch.
     Seonghwa pressed his chest against her back, taking a whiff of his next meal. His hand came around and grabbed the front of her throat, pulling her head back as far as it would go, before tilting it to the left.
     The vampire wasn't interested in her pleasure but he also didn't want her screaming and yelling while he's trying to feed.
     Seonghwa used his other hand to push her hair out of the way, grazing his nose along the main vein sticking up.
     She stayed quiet and frozen, having no other choice in the matter. Her head was slightly touching his shoulder, but once he bit down, he pulled her flush against him.
     Eunha's eyes almost popped out of her skull before they rolled all the way back. Seonghwa growled lowly, sucking on her neck viciously. He was being twice as violent as Jongho had been, sucking vigorously as if she would disappear from his grasp, but in no way did it hurt at all. It felt so good.
     It felt better than her time with Yeosang, who only cared about her pleasure. She knew for a fact Seonghwa only cared about her blood, so why he was making this pleasurable, honestly confused her.
     The vampire relaxed into her neck, letting his control over her drop. Eunha was able to squirm from the pleasure in his grasp, letting out a soft whimper. Seonghwa used his free hand to place over her mouth, muffling the sounds that rolled out. Seonghwa, still having one hand around her throat, gripping it tighter. Her windpipe was no longer allowing air in or out.
     Her hands flung to his freezing arm, trying to rip it away. He felt her start to struggle more so he held onto her even tighter.
     The mortals eyesight slowly started to fade as the lack of blood and oxygen started taking over. Just before she completely blacked out, Seonghwa let go of her windpipe, instead grabbing her shoulder and digging his nails into her skin. Eunha blacked out before he was finished.
     He let go of her neck, gasping loudly, trying to fight to urge to just finish her off here, but he knew Hongjoong would kill him if he drained the blood bag before he got his share.
Seonghwa nonchalantly threw her down on his bed before walking into the washroom to clean himself up. Seonghwa hadn't realize until now just how tight his pants had become. He questioned it before feeling the twitch of blood flowing down there. He growled at himself. Had he really allowed himself to get an erection for a human?

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