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Prisoner by Ryan Murphy

     "Are you done now?" Eunha's heart stopped in her chest, eyes locking with the hybrid, who was now staring at both of them.
San gave the hybrid a smirk. "I could go another round."
Eunha felt fear and want fill her senses, heart pounding in her chest. "What do you say, darling? Do you want Hongjoong to watch this time?"
Hongjoong had a look of pure, burning lust. San chuckled in her ear. "Why don't you join us, Hongjoong?"
She watched him stand up from the chair, his hand already palming himself. San grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her on her knees, still inside of her.
Her back arched as his cock hit her cervix from the motion, a moan ripping out of her throat.
San manhandled them to face the end of the bed, where Hongjoong now stood. Eunha caught the eyes of the hungry hybrid, smirking at her. "You weren't very good at being quiet, baby girl."
Hongjoong took her jaw into his hand. "But you didn't wake me, I was awake the whole time."
     "What do you think, Hongjoong? Can she take both of us?" San's cold breath on her neck, hands kneading her breasts.
Her eyes widened, understanding what he was implying. Eunha struggled against San, not liking the situation she put herself in.
Hongjoong's hand on her chin fell down to her neck, squeezing slightly. She halted her movements, body shaking and heart pounding in her chest.
San and Hongjoong exchanged a look, Eunha watched the hybrids expression darken. San's lips met the side of her neck while Hongjoong gripped her throat, narrowing her airway.
"You say you love me, but you're fucking another man while I'm the same room.." Hongjoong leaned down, their noses were touching, his dark eyes ripping through her core. San pierced her neck with his fangs, sending euphoria through her veins.
Eunha let out a high pitched moan. "I'm sorry!" San pulled away, moving his lips behind her ear and sucking on the skin, blood crashing at the surface.
"Make it better, then." Hongjoong removed his top, revealing his chest and abs. Eunha racked her eyes down his abdomen, taking in every detail, every flex in movement with his breathing. "Touch me, baby girl."
San removed his hands from her breasts, placing his arms under hers, placing one hand on her waist, and the other one placed over her stomach.
Eunha reached her now free arms towards the hybrid, obeying his every word. She mapped out his entire front with her hands, eyes not leaving his.
"Turn her around." San followed the orders given by his captain, unsheathing himself from her.
Eunha let out a loud whine from the friction, realizing just how empty she felt after he pulled out.
San turned her around, now facing him and Hongjoong out of sight. He leaned back against the pillows, bringing her crashing down with him. Her head collided with his chest, his hands wrapped around her wrists and he held her against him.
The tip of San's cock grazed her entrance, making her legs tremble. Hongjoong, who was now on the bed behind her, grabbed her hips and pulled her up on her knees.
     Hongjoong laced a hand in her hair, raising her head up slightly, before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "I want you to look him in the eye while I fuck you."
     Eunha's gaze locked with San, a sinister smirk on his face. Eunha felt a hand leave her hip, something pressed against her already abused hole.
     Eunha took in a sharp inhale when the hybrid sheathed himself in her, a low growl following from Hongjoong. San kept a tight grip on her wrists, while the other started his frantic thrusting. She couldn't see his size, but the burn coming from the stretch let her know he was blessed like San. It hurt, sheathing himself entirely each thrust.
      Eunha let out pleasured grunts each time the hybrid punched the place that made her vision cloud. "You're missing a good view..." The hybrids ballsack slapped her exposed clit, stimulating her more.
    San let one of her wrists go, grabbing her jaw. "I'll save it for what happens later.."
     Eunha felt fear invade the pleasure, Hongjoong's words ran deep and Eunha reacted on pure instinct. She used her free hand to throw towards San, nails catching his face.
     The vampire freed her other arm, his hand moving to his face. Hongjoong grabbed one of her wrists, yanking her back towards him. She clashed against his chest, whimpering when his cock jabbed her cervix from his movements. San raised up and got in her face, her wore a smirk but his eyes shined bright red.
     There were scratch marks on his left cheek, blood dripping from a few, most of them already starting to heal. His jaw clenched and unclenched. "You're not being a good girl, darling."
     Eunha reacted before her mind could stop her, gathering all of the saliva in her mouth and spit in his face.
     He only blinked when it hit his face, otherwise seeming unfazed. "That's enough baby girl..."
     San stood up from the bed, disappearing into the washroom. Once he was out of view, Hongjoong pushed her down on the bed, arching her back.
     "You were being so good for us.." The hybrid started a frantic pace while he shoved her face into the duvet. His hand was still laced in her hair, keeping her in place.
     Eunha's moans were muffled from the thick fabric, Hongjoong growled from behind her, increasing his rough pace. Cock sliding in and jabbing her cervix. San strolled out of the washroom, seating himself in the chair the other had occupied earlier.
     He watched the hybrid rail her on the bed, hand finding his throbbing cock and giving it a few tugs.
     Hongjoong didn't slow his thrusts when she came, gripping around him. San increased his hand movements, eyes not leaving the human that screamed into the bed, thrashing under Hongjoong.
     Pleasure crashed over her in multiple waves, his fast pace pushing her over the edge again.
     San gripped his dick, speeding his hand and rutting his hips, beginning his chase for release.
     Hongjoong looked down to watch his cock ram into her, changing his pace to slowly pulling out before snapping his hips against hers.
     Hongjoong looked over at the vampire, making sure he was watching as well. San was indeed watching, slowing his pace to keep himself at bay.
     The hybrid slammed into her, stilling his thrusting but instead grinding his hips against her. Eunha was sobbing into the sheets, the pleasure becoming unbearable.
     He let go of her hair and laced their hands together, holding her against the bed. Eunha raised her head up for air, gasping. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please! Please keep going.."
     Hongjoong smirked and resumed his rough pace, instead chasing his own release. She moaned for each thrust delivered to her, eyes catching San who sat in the chair, slowly caressing his hard on, watching their every movement.
Hongjoong's hips paused and he let out a low moan, ending it with a soft growl of approval, collapsing on top of her.
Eunha panted under the hybrid, feeling him empty his cum in her. San caught her eyes, the same smirk still on his face. "My turn to punish you."

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