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     "So what's the plan then, we attack now?"
     "We can't now, Hongjoong is gone for the time being and won't be back for days. If you want him, we have to wait until the day he returns. We can't fight him with the rest, we will have to ambush the others and lure Hongjoong."
     "How are we so sure you won't just go back to the others and tell them our plan?"
     "Because we would have brought them here to kill you if that was the case. We told you, we only want Eunha."
     "Something about this just seems to easy. Why would you betray your clan?"
     "As he said, we only want her."
"I guess we will see how this all plays out, shall we?"

     "Where did Seoho go?" Eunha found Seonghwa still in the common room, alone.
"Why?" The vampire stayed in his seat, watching the human.
"I need to talk to him." Seonghwa looked down at the floor then back up at her face.
"Wolves are hard headed, you can't get through to him."
Eunha walked around to stand behind the seated vampire. "Maybe not." He tilted his head to stare up at her.
"He went outside, don't go too far looking for him." She ran her fingers through his hair and stepped away.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine."
Eunha searched the outside area of the castle but didn't find the wolf. She decided to make her way towards the waterfall, having a keen idea he would be there.
She was right, he was sitting at the waters edge, facing away from her. "I'm sorry." She let out a chuckle.
He noticed her presence way before she even sat down beside of him. "No you're not." Seoho dropped his gaze from the water falling from the cliff to the calmness below him.
"You're right. I'm not." She looked over at his face and he met her gaze. "You're right about me being jealous too."
"I know that, you don't exactly hide it well." He cracked the smile this time.
"Listen, I am sorry about what I said about you. You're not a whore and nothing close to it. I should have never said that, or anything about you and your choices. I just.." The wolf stopped talking, eyes closing as he let out a deep sigh. "I care about you. And I know they care about you more than I do. But I can't stand the thought of them hurting you."
     "My family is dead, I have no friends, I have no one else except them. If I lose them, I might as well die." Their eyes met again. "And before you say it's a mate thing, I felt that way before that happened. And no, it's not a case of Stockholm Syndrome. They didn't coddle me into trusting them.
     "I feel something for all of them, being bonded to Hongjoong has nothing to do with it. Soojin should have killed me with my family but he left me alive. I'm going to live it how I want now. And if I die by their hands, then I can see my family again. But if not, I get to be with the people I love, who love me." Seoho watched her face intently, she never broke or even twitched with her words.
     "I respect your decisions Eunha, but I will never like them, please understand that. I will try to keep my words to myself." Eunha reached out and cupped his cheek, caressing it with her thumb.
     Seoho unintentionally leaned into her touch, eyes closing to the comfort. He reminded her of a dog that was drinking up any pets he could receive. "Thank you for looking out for me, you've been so kind to me. You will make a great mate for someone."
His eyes opened, a glint of sadness in them. "I don't want anyone else." He meant for her not to hear him but she did.
"Please don't be mad at me, I still want you around."
"I can't be mad at you."

"Seonghwa took you to the village?" Eunha was currently pressed against Wooyoung while they laid in his bed.
     "Yes, which reminds me." She got up from their position, scurrying towards the door. "Give me one moment."
     She left the room, leaving the vampire to himself. He watched the doorframe, forgetting she wasn't a vampire and wouldn't be back in a flash.
     He caught himself in the ramble of thoughts that flooded his brain, all consumed by her. He never thought he could find a bond stronger than he felt with his brothers.
     Wooyoung was completely engulfed by her.
     They had always been closer than it was socially acceptable, him and San acted like a married couple, he had done things with the others that no living soul knew about.
     Sometimes he panicked when he thought about Eunha knowing. He didn't know how she would react, and after the questionable actions San and Hongjoong did in front of her, he definitely wasn't sure.
     They chalked it up to being about blood sharing, which wasn't entirely a lie. It all started because they all share blood.
     Which was why they originally thought Jongho was different and had no sexual drive of any kind. He shared blood with them but never reacted or clinged to someone.
     Seeing Jongho finally show emotion towards someone made Wooyoung smile.
Eunha was everything they needed.
She returned with her hands behind her back and a cute smile on her face. She crawled onto the bed as he sat up, pulling her arms into view but hand cupped to hide what she had. "I got something for all of you. I had a little trouble for you but when I seen it, I wanted you to have it."
He held his hand out after she pulled it in front of her, placing the item in his open hand. She pulled away and he looked at it, finding a necklace. He held it up to see the pendant, finding a sterling silver chain with a heart swinging back and forth. "My love will always be with you."
Wooyoung stared down at it with amazed eyes and a swollen heart. "I love it, it's beautiful."
Her cheeks turned red and her smile grew larger. "Can I put it on you?"
He handed it to her and turned around. "Please." She wrapped it around his neck and clipped the clasp. It fell to the length she placed it at, his fingers found the pendant and rubbed it.
"Thank you so much. I've never gotten a gift." He turned to face her again, an equally big smile on his face.
Eunha leaned forward as did he, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss. He pulled her closer and she willingly went, wrapping arms around his neck.
Wooyoung fell backwards with them, rolling them to their sides, mouths still locked. His tongue slipped into her cavern, playing with her own.
A moan came from her throat and he swallowed it immediately, before pulling away. She panted for a moment, getting her breathing back to normal. "You're the best thing that's came into my life."

Eunha woke the next morning to find the raven-haired vampire to still be asleep. She smiled to herself and quietly crawled out of the bed, leaving the room and making her way to her own.
     San rounded the corner she was headed towards, coming into view. Her heart jumped in her chest suddenly, startling her. The vampire watched her stop in her tracks, a smirk drawing on his face.
     He walked closer and got a view of the ring on her finger. He stopped when they were face to face. "Take it off."
     "I beg your pardon?" Eunha looked up at him with a confused look.
     "Take the ring off in my presence, we aren't married." Rage flowed over her as she shoved her finger into his chest.
     "You're right, me and Seonghwa are married. Not us."
     San grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from his chest, holding it in his hand. "Then take it off." His fingers grazed the ring on her left hand, the one he was holding. She tried to pull her wrist back but his grip was strong.
     "I'm not taking it off just because you're jealous." She continued to try and pry her arm away from his hold, but he wasn't letting go.
     The vampire's smirk grew wider, shoving her to the wall and trapping her with his body. "Marry me next and you can wear it around me, darling."
     Eunha used all of her might to push the vampire away, but since her strength was nothing compared to his, she was still trapped between him and the wall. "If you keep acting like this I'll never marry you!"
     San gave her a long and hard look, neither of them moving. "Alright, then I'll take this." He held her back as he wretched the ring off her finger, leaving her alone in the hallway. "San! You fucking prick!"

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