eighty one;

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"You both just left her there?! There was obviously someone else here!" Seonghwa was enraged, they were all back at the cabin where the wolves tried to frantically find the mixture for this very situation.
Geonhak was screaming bloody murder, raging and trying to throw off the vampires that tried to hold him down. "It's not something you could understand, when a fellow wolf howls, we can't control what our wolf does."
Seonghwa laughed and stepped away, trying to hold in his anger. "If something happened to her, Geonhak's injury won't be the only one you have to worry about." He was gone in seconds, leaving the hybrid and wolf to stare at each other, wolves growling.

"I can't fucking trust you two for nothing, you were supposed to bring the girl back!"
"We didn't get the hybrid, but one of the other wolves. We can strike again while the pack is gone."
"You better be fucking right. It's time we kill those blood suckers, for our ancestors."

Yunho had to knock the injured wolf unconscious, he became aggressive and started to snap at him and Mingi. "It's not here! All the bottles I hid are fucking gone!"
Hwanwoong ran amuck the cottage, throwing things into the floor and ransacking the place. Keonhee helped him look, searching all the places immediately after Hwanwoong did. Youngjo was gone with Wooyoung and Yeosang, the three trying to catch the scent of the intruder.
"Wait a second.." Hongjoong—now in control since the sun began rising on the horizon— stepped into the cottage, smelling the air. "Someone was here.. human, male."
"Whoever it was, knew we hid the cure. They must have taken all of them." Dongju was sitting beside of the unconscious wolf, frowning at his sick pack mate.
"No! He will fucking die without that cure! Do you know how long it took us to find those ingredients?!" Hwanwoong roared out, throwing a small table on the floor in a pit of rage.
"Hwanwoong." Seoho's voice deepened, catching the smaller angry wolfs attention. "Calm down, being destructive will do nothing to help."
Dongju, and the two vampires, exited the room, joining the others in the main room that was now partially destroyed.
Hongjoong gave the raven haired wolf a look. "Thank you, for protecting her from my wolf. You risked your life to keep me away from her. You have earned my respect."
"I can never compare to you all, but I care about her too." The words left his mouth and a shattering noise filled all of their ears.
All eyes fell on the broken window in Geonhak's room. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"How far is she from the cabin?" Keonhee asked his fellow pack mate.
"I can't really remember.. not that far."
"And you just let Seonghwa go alone?!" San—back from taking Jongho back to the castle because of all the blood from Geonhak's wound—interrupted them.
"Can we talk about this later?! We have a sick wolf on the loose!"

Seonghwa grew more and more worried, he couldn't pick up any trace of her scent. He didn't know where the cabin was, and it only made matters worse that if they were in the cottage, they knew about the cabin.
He could search this whole forest but it could already be too late. He checked the air for her scent, but smelt burning wood. He followed it and found the cabin mentioned, being met with three familiar figures.
"What's going on?" He saw a wolf with Wooyoung and San, one in particular he didn't like.
"Geonhak is loose, the wolfsbane is attacking his wolf more than him, he's going crazy." Seoho explained, the tall vampire glaring holes through him.
"Then what the hell are we standing around here for?!"

Now Playing;
Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace

Eunha was still in the exact spot, dozing off every so often but her head drooping to the side woke her. Her tired eyes caught the sun barely peeking over the hills. There was enough light now to see her surroundings, not a sight of the cabin.
There was mostly silence, other than a few morning birds doing their high chirps. That silence was disturbed by the loud footsteps of someone getting closer. She sat up, realizing there were four instead of two.
Her eyes turned to the side where the sound was coming from, and saw a black wolf bolting her way, a foam dripping from it's snapping mouth.
Adrenaline kicked in, fueled by the fear in her chest, she was on her feet in seconds and bolting in the opposite direction.
She ran as fast as she could, looking behind her to see the wolf jumping towards her. She reacted quickly, reflexes kicking in, turning direction at the last second.
The wolf hit the tree instead of her, stunning it momentarily. She recognized the tan streaks in it's fur, realizing it was Geonhak. Her eyes trailed down to the blood that leaked from his side, a deep purple mixing with the red.
She was running in the opposite direction now, back towards where the wolf came from.
The human didn't get far, the wolf pounced on her once it recovered, throwing her face first into the dirt. She felt the familiar feeling of the air leaving her lungs, she felt it's nails dig into her back as it made digging motions, latching onto her shoulder and ripping skin.
She couldn't scream from the lack of oxygen, laying there with her mouth open, trying to draw in a breath of air.
Another surge of adrenaline ran through her veins, throwing her attacker off and rolling over, finally able to catch a breath.
The wolf was back on her, reaching for her throat with his sharp canines. She moved her arm in the way, feeling his teeth sink into her arm.
She let out a scream, feeling the pain in full force once the adrenaline wore off. Sticks and leaves dug into the wounds on her back, the claws of the wolf dug into her abdomen.
He ripped his teeth from her arm, tearing skin. Her arm fell to the side and his teeth went for her neck again, she used her last bit of strength to throw her injured arm to block her throat. He latched onto her arm again, making jerking motions and shredding the flesh more, and ripping a scream from her mouth again.
     He let go, bloodied teeth baring down at her, she hid her face with her injured arm, shaking in fear. She waited for the inevitable, death that was inches away.
     The weight of the wolf disappeared, a loud thud hitting the ground beside of her along with sounds of struggle.
Eunha laid on the ground, head rolling to the side as her arms fell to her chest. The cool, morning breeze fanned her skin, the gown barely holding on from the attack.
The grey wolf, Youngjo, had the black wolf pinned to the ground. He was growling at him, holding him down in a dominance form.
The beta whined lowly, stopping his snarling and growling.
Time seemed to almost stop for her, everything played out slowly, ears clogged with high pitched ringing. She watched Seonghwa come into view, held back by San, trying to get to the wolves.
The last thing she saw was Mingi picking her up, a face of nothing but worry.

Geonhak passed out from the pain a few hours ago, the sun was almost resting in the middle of the sky. They got him back to the cottage, planning their departure and path choice.
Mingi took her back to the cabin, doing his best to heal her wounds, but blood was dripping and gushing all over the place, suffocating the immortal.
     He had to stumble his way out of the door, falling to his knees in front of the hybrid that stood guard. "I-I can't.. too much blood."
     "You didn't have a problem last time she was messed up this bad, why now?" The hybrid worried more about her loss of blood, almost feeling angered at the vampire for lack of control.
     "These are way deeper.. I need to get her to stop bleeding before I can do anything, there's just so much I can't keep it together." He bowed his head in shame, trying to steady his breathing.
Hongjoong stepped through the door, dragging the younger vampire behind him. A strong, sweet copper scent filled both of their noses, red eyes illuminating as the vampire fought to keep composure.
A hand pressed firmly against the back of his neck, holding him and controlling him. "Go on, I'll snap you out of it."

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