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     "We knew it was going to happen eventually."
     Seonghwa was sat in a chair while he watched Hongjoong pace around the room, over and over. "With how they acted towards each other, and you know San." The rest of the crew were standing around the room, watching their anxious captain.
     Hongjoong stopped his movement when all of their ears picked up the screaming. "He sounds like he's fucking killing her!"
     All noises from their room were silenced, making the immortals share worried looks.
     "That's it, I'm stopping this." Hongjoong almost ripped the door off, heading towards the stairs, Yeosang hot on his heels.
     Yeosang grabbed the hybrids shoulder, stopping his movements. "Is this really a good idea?"
     "What? We're just going to leave her in there with him? This has gone on long enough." Hongjoong shook the vampire hand off his shoulder, grabbing the door handle and pushing it open.
     Yeosang stood in the hall, watching the hybrid disappear into the foul smelling room. He listened to the sound of footsteps enter the room, followed by the voices of both San and Hongjoong.
     "Nice of you to check on her."
     "I'm taking her to my room." Yeosang stepped towards the doorframe, looking into the room.
     "She can stay in here." San stood between the human and the hybrid, blocking both his path and view. Eunha laid unconscious on the bed, covered by the duvet.
     "I think she's spent plenty of time with you." The hybrid made a step closer to San.
     "Awe, captain is feeling left out? Sad she didn't reciprocate her feelings?" San poked at his leader, knowing that was otherwise.
     Hongjoong gritted his teeth, eyes highlighting the bright purple. "Stop fucking talking, San. I'm taking Eunha."
"I'm afraid, I can't let you do that, Hongjoong." San took a step closer, closing most of the distance between them.
Yeosang watched the two from the doorway, anxiously. "You got what you wanted from her, she doesn't need to sleep next to you any longer."
"Who said I got all I wanted?" The smirk on San's face, mixed with his worded tone, broke the ice and Hongjoong slammed him into the wall.
"The game you've been playing since she walked into the castle, ends now. If you can't stand her then stop being around her." San kept the smirk, unfazed by the hybrids angered actions.
"Who said it was a game?" San gave a mocking tone, Hongjoong began punching San in the face, making him laugh.
Yeosang bolted into the room and ripped his captain off San. "Stop fucking fighting! You're acting like she's some price to be won." Yeosang looked at Eunha, who was still sleeping peacefully and completely unaware. "This is a fragile being, someone we care about."
Hongjoong and San gave each other a look before looking at the human, then back at San. "Women have been treated unfairly for centuries, by our own hands, it stops now, with her."
Yeosang ended his statement, leaning down towards Eunha and brushing the stray hairs away from her face. He fixed the duvet around her, making sure she was covered properly.
Hongjoong watched her chest rise and fall slowly, memorizing every feature on her face, as if he hadn't already. "There better not be bruises on her."
"Should have told me that before." Hongjoong growled loudly, making Yeosang stand up and step between them.
"Stop this, no more fighting."
"Who's side are you on? He could have killed her!" Hongjoong pushed Yeosang back by his shoulders.
"Hongjoong, your possessiveness is showing again." San snickered, making the hybrid turn around to face him, inches from each other.
Wooyoung peeked his head into the room, seeing the scene in front of him. Seonghwa shook his head at the behavior from the younger vampire, walking past him and into the room. "Hongjoong,"
The hybrid turned, hearing the voice of his most trusted mate, eyes falling on him. "All he does is put bruises on her, tried to kill her multiple times, and he thinks I'm going to let her-"
Hongjoong halted his words, ears picking up on the soft whine that escaped behind him. "What is going on?"
Hongjoong's eyes met hers and his heart broke slightly, memories resonating in his mind, before he brushed it away. "I'm taking you to me room, baby girl."
San grabbed the hybrids shoulder and pulled him away from the bed. "I already said, she is fine staying in here, where she chose to stay."
Hongjoong let out a deep growl and shoved the vampire back. Eunha broke out of her sleepy daze and reached for the hybrids arm, eyes meeting hers for a split second.
The hybrid looked down at the dark purple and blue area that wrapped around her wrist. He stared at it for a moment before his other hand reached for the duvet and ripped it off, revealing her still bare body.
He staggered back before he turned his attention to a certain blonde. "I'm giving you a chance to run.. I'm going to fucking kill you over and over until those bruises go away."
Yeosang's mouth fell open, covering it with his hand. Bruises littered her body, some small- like finger prints- others were much larger, almost in perfect shape with San's hands.
"Please, stop fighting!" Eunha raised up, letting out a whimper from the soreness. "I'm okay Joong.." Her hand was still around his wrist.
"You can't tell me you wanted this.." Hongjoong waited for her answer but instead she pulled him towards her. He let her, feeling her lips mesh together with his.
Hongjoong was surprised at first but kissed her back, hand catching her face. Eunha pulled away after a moment, staring into his now soft eyes.
"I'm okay.." Hongjoong felt his heart tug in his chest and his throat burn.
"I'm not okay with this.."
"You don't need to be.. you just need to know.." Eunha watched him look down at the bed, but she grabbed his face and made him face her again. "I love you too."

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