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"How much longer until Jongho has to feed again?"
"For him it's every day with animal blood but with human blood he can go three before he has to feed again. But Wooyoung will have to feed again tonight, with his flair and all." Yeosang replied, seeing the look on her face. Eunha nodded and bit her lip, fiddling with her thumbs. "Hey, if you want, I can be there with you when Wooyoung feeds?"
Eunha looked at him and smiled. "That would be make me feel way better, thank you Yeosang." She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. Yeosang was stunned but wrapped his arms around her too, embracing the hug.

Yeosang gave her a tour of the castle, showing her the music room, where all of their rooms were located, the dining room, the kitchen, the garden, he was now leading her to a place she didn't know. They stopped in front of a door, it was off to the other side of the castle, away from all of their bedrooms. "Where are we now?"
He grabbed the handle and opened up, revealing a bedroom. Grey walls with white furniture, white duvet with grey and red pillows. "It was too bright for any of our likings, but I think it fits you well, and it's away from all of us."
"You mean, this is my room?" Eunha gapped at him, not quite understanding.
Yeosang looked at her. "Yes, you'll sleep in here except on feeding nights."
"Thank you.. but why on feeding nights?"
"It's for us to monitor you while you sleep, sometimes we can take it a little far and you'll pass out, just a precaution to make sure you don't lose too much blood and die in your sleep." Yeosang replied, giving her a pat on her head.
"So, does that mean I have to be alone with Jongho on his feeding nights?"
"Jongho will be in the room just for the experience but there will always be one or two of us in there to make sure he doesn't take it to far or lose his control again." Yeosang explained, putting her at ease.
"Again?" Eunha dared to ask.
"The first time he didn't want to let go and he almost drained you, but we were all there to snap him out of it." Yeosang explained. "It was after you passed out, luckily you didn't have to experience that part."
"Ah, I see. Thank you, I guess." Eunha rubbed her arm and gave him a small smile, which he replied back with a nod.
"We should probably go find Wooyoung, the sun is about to set. Follow me?" Yeosang extended his hand for her to take. Eunha didn't hesitate, grabbing his hand and letting him lead them to Wooyoung's room.
Yeosang didn't knock, immediately walking into Wooyoung's room, closing the door behind them. Wooyoung walked out of his washroom, shirt off and breeches barely hanging around his hips from the lack of his belt. "Ah, thank you Yeosang for bringing her but you can leave us be, I'll take care of her." Wooyoung threw a wink at the both of them.
"Eunha has requested that I be here while you're feeding." Yeosang told the younger vampire. Wooyoung clicked his tongue, thinking for a moment.
"I see, you want Yeosang to watch us, huh?" Wooyoung smirked and stalked towards her, Yeosang bringing her to stand in front of him, his hands on her shoulders keeping her in place. The closer Wooyoung got, the more Eunha pushed her back into Yeosang, trying her best to disappear out of Wooyoung's sight.
Wooyoung shoved his head into the crook of her neck, sandwiching her between the two of them. His teeth sank into her skin, his hands found her waist and he dug his nails into the flesh. Eunha moaned out, her hands gripping onto Wooyoung's forearms.
The pleasure started out strong, becoming unbearable once Wooyoung slipped his thigh between her legs, grinding into her. Yeosang ran his nose behind her ear, whispering. "You're doing great, my Goddess..."
The younger vampire groaned into her neck, starting to feeling his control slip as he sucked harder. Eunha whined and slightly pushed on his forearms. "Yah, Wooyoung. You're starting to slip, straighten yourself up." Eunha slipped in and out of consciousness.
He didn't listen, continuing to rut his hips into her, almost knocking Yeosang back. "Yah!" He grabbed ahold of the younger vampires hair, yanking his mouth away from her neck before pushing him backwards. "You're done, snap out of it."
Wooyoung shook his head, groaning loudly. "Sorry, hyung. It's hard to control myself around her.." Wooyoung wiped her blood off of his mouth.
"Can I trust you enough to leave her here alone?" Yeosang asked, analyzing the younger.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. It's just when I'm feeding. Thank you, for pulling me out of it."
Yeosang nodded at Wooyoung, placing the sleeping human on the bed before leaving the room.
The remaining vampire watched her, sitting on the end of the bed. He had to admit, she was one of the most beautiful humans he had ever seen.
Thoughts were racing in his mind before he did what he least expected, crawled beside of her and laid on his side, facing her. His hand came up and moved the strands of her hair out of her face, resting against her cheek.
Staying like that until he saw her eyes flutter open, looking at him. Eunha took a second to take in her environment, that's when she noticed Wooyoung was laying facing her, hand on her cheek. Eunha was about to get up instantly but he stopped her, his hand landing on her arm, gripping gently. "Don't leave... just stay. Please."
     Eunha's heart fluttered at the plead, almost hearing a crack in his voice but she ignored it and forced herself to relax, staring into his piercing eyes. His hand was back on her face and she stopped herself from flinching, feeling his ice cold hands graze her cheek as he caressed it. "Can I hold you?" His question was sudden and Eunha was taken aback. "Why..?" she stopped for a second, his caressing hand didn't stop.
     Wooyoung didn't speak, as if fighting for his answer, but his eyes didn't leave hers. "It gets lonely here." Eunha gulped but slowly nodded, not trusting her words to answer.
     No hesitation in his actions to pull her to his chest, wrapping his arms around him. Eunha rested her hands against his abdomen, awkwardly, not knowing where to place them in her situation. The side of her face was pressed against his chest and he shoved his face in her hair, inhaling and exhaling her scent
     His hold was tight but it wasn't uncomfortable and she soon found herself slipping away into her dream state. "Thank you.."

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